
Source code for lumin.evaluation.ams

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import Tuple
from fastprogress import progress_bar

import torch
from torch import Tensor

__all__ = ['calc_ams', 'calc_ams_torch', 'ams_scan_quick', 'ams_scan_slow']

[docs]def calc_ams(s:float, b:float, br:float=0, unc_b:float=0) -> float: r''' Compute Approximate Median Significance ( Arguments: s: signal weight b: background weight br: background offset bias unc_b: fractional systemtatic uncertainty on background Returns: Approximate Median Significance if b > 0 else -1 ''' if b == 0: return -1 if not unc_b: radicand = 2*((s+b+br)*np.log(1.0+s/(b+br))-s) else: sigma_b_2 = np.square(unc_b*b) radicand = 2*(((s+b)*np.log((s+b)*(b+sigma_b_2)/((b**2)+((s+b)*sigma_b_2))))-(((b**2)/sigma_b_2)*np.log(1+((sigma_b_2*s)/(b*(b+sigma_b_2)))))) return np.sqrt(radicand) if radicand > 0 else -1
[docs]def calc_ams_torch(s:Tensor, b:Tensor, br:float=0, unc_b:float=0) -> Tensor: r''' Compute Approximate Median Significance ( using Tensor inputs Arguments: s: signal weight b: background weight br: background offset bias unc_b: fractional systemtatic uncertainty on background Returns: Approximate Median Significance if b > 0 else 1e-18 * s ''' '''Compute Approximate Median Significance with torch for signal (background) weight s (b), fractional systemtatic uncertainty unc_b, and offset br''' if b == 0: return 1e-18*s if not unc_b: radicand = 2*((s+b+br)*torch.log(1.0+s/(b+br))-s) else: sigma_b_2 = torch.square(unc_b*b) radicand = 2*(((s+b)*torch.log((s+b)*(b+sigma_b_2)/((b**2)+((s+b)*sigma_b_2))))-(((b**2)/sigma_b_2)*torch.log(1+((sigma_b_2*s)/(b*(b+sigma_b_2)))))) return torch.sqrt(radicand) if radicand > 0 else 1e-18*s
[docs]def ams_scan_quick(df:pd.DataFrame, wgt_factor:float=1, br:float=0, syst_unc_b:float=0, pred_name:str='pred', targ_name:str='gen_target', wgt_name:str='gen_weight') -> Tuple[float,float]: r''' Scan across a range of possible prediction thresholds in order to maximise the Approximate Median Significance ( Note that whilst this method is quicker than :meth:`~lumin.evaluation.ams.ams_scan_slow`, it sufferes from float precison. Not recommended for final evaluation. Arguments: df: DataFrame containing prediction data wgt_factor: factor to reweight signal and background weights br: background offset bias syst_unc_b: fractional systemtatic uncertainty on background pred_name: column to use as predictions targ_name: column to use as truth labels for signal and background wgt_name: column to use as weights for signal and background events Returns: maximum AMS prediction threshold corresponding to maximum AMS ''' max_ams, threshold = 0, 0.0 df = df.sort_values(by=[pred_name]) s = np.sum(df.loc[(df[targ_name] == 1), wgt_name]) b = np.sum(df.loc[(df[targ_name] == 0), wgt_name]) for i, cut in enumerate(df[pred_name]): ams = calc_ams(max(0, s*wgt_factor), max(0, b*wgt_factor), br, syst_unc_b) if ams > max_ams: max_ams, threshold = ams, cut if df[targ_name].values[i]: s -= df[wgt_name].values[i] else: b -= df[wgt_name].values[i] return max_ams, threshold
[docs]def ams_scan_slow(df:pd.DataFrame, wgt_factor:float=1, br:float=0, syst_unc_b:float=0, use_stat_unc:bool=False, start_cut:float=0.9, min_events:int=10, pred_name:str='pred', targ_name:str='gen_target', wgt_name:str='gen_weight', show_prog:bool=True) -> Tuple[float,float]: r''' Scan across a range of possible prediction thresholds in order to maximise the Approximate Median Significance ( Note that whilst this method is slower than :meth:`~lumin.evaluation.ams.ams_scan_quick`, it does not suffer as much from float precison. Additionally it allows one to account for statistical uncertainty in AMS calculation. Arguments: df: DataFrame containing prediction data wgt_factor: factor to reweight signal and background weights br: background offset bias syst_unc_b: fractional systemtatic uncertainty on background use_stat_unc: whether to account for the statistical uncertainty on the background start_cut: minimum prediction to consider; useful for speeding up scan min_events: minimum number of background unscaled events required to pass threshold pred_name: column to use as predictions targ_name: column to use as truth labels for signal and background wgt_name: column to use as weights for signal and background events show_prog: whether to display progress and ETA of scan Returns: maximum AMS prediction threshold corresponding to maximum AMS ''' max_ams, threshold = 0, 0.0 sig, bkg = df[df[targ_name] == 1], df[df[targ_name] == 0] syst_unc_b2 = np.square(syst_unc_b) for i, cut in enumerate(progress_bar(df.loc[df[pred_name] >= start_cut, pred_name].values, display=show_prog, leave=show_prog)): bkg_pass = bkg.loc[(bkg[pred_name] >= cut), wgt_name] n_bkg = len(bkg_pass) if n_bkg < min_events: continue s = np.sum(sig.loc[(sig[pred_name] >= cut), wgt_name]) b = np.sum(bkg_pass) if use_stat_unc: unc_b = np.sqrt(syst_unc_b2+(1/n_bkg)) else: unc_b = syst_unc_b ams = calc_ams(s*wgt_factor, b*wgt_factor, br, unc_b) if ams > max_ams: max_ams, threshold = ams, cut return max_ams, threshold
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