
Source code for lumin.nn.models.layers.self_attention

from typing import Callable, Optional, Any
import math
from fastcore.all import store_attr

import torch
from torch import nn, Tensor

from .activations import lookup_act
from .batchnorms import LCBatchNorm1d
from ..initialisations import lookup_normal_init

__all__ = ['SelfAttention']

[docs]class SelfAttention(nn.Module): r''' Class for applying self attention (Vaswani et al. 2017 ( to features per vertex. Arguments: n_fpv: number of features per vertex to expect n_a: width of self attention representation (paper recommends n_fpv//4) do: dropout rate to be applied to hidden layers in the NNs bn: whether batch normalisation should be applied to hidden layers in the NNs act: activation function to apply to hidden layers in the NNs lookup_init: function taking choice of activation function, number of inputs, and number of outputs an returning a function to initialise layer weights. lookup_act: function taking choice of activation function and returning an activation function layer bn_class: class to use for BatchNorm, default is :class:`~lumin.nn.models.layers.batchnorms.LCBatchNorm1d` ''' def __init__(self, n_fpv:int, n_a:int, do:float=0, bn:bool=False, act:str='relu', lookup_init:Callable[[str,Optional[int],Optional[int]],Callable[[Tensor],None]]=lookup_normal_init, lookup_act:Callable[[str],Any]=lookup_act, bn_class:Callable[[int],nn.Module]=nn.BatchNorm1d): super().__init__() store_attr() self.q = self._get_layer(self.n_fpv, self.n_a) self.k = self._get_layer(self.n_fpv, self.n_a) self.v = self._get_layer(self.n_fpv, self.n_fpv) self.out = self._get_out() def _get_out(self) -> nn.Sequential: layers = [self._get_layer(self.n_fpv, self.n_fpv)] if self.act != 'linear': layers.append(self.lookup_act(self.act)) if layers.append(LCBatchNorm1d(self.bn_class(self.n_fpv))) if if self.act == 'selu': layers.append(nn.AlphaDropout( else: layers.append(nn.Dropout( return nn.Sequential(*layers) def _get_layer(self, fan_in:int, fan_out:int) -> nn.Module: l = nn.Linear(fan_in, fan_out) self.lookup_init('linear', fan_in, fan_out)(l.weight) nn.init.zeros_(l.bias) return l
[docs] def forward(self, x:Tensor) -> Tensor: # B N C r''' Augments features per vertex Arguemnts: x: incoming data (batch x vertices x features) Returns: augmented features (batch x vertices x new features) ''' a = (self.q(x)@self.k(x).transpose(-1,-2))/math.sqrt(self.n_a) # B N N a = torch.softmax(a, dim=-1) # Softmax norm columns sa = a@self.v(x) # B N C return x+self.out(sa) # B N C
[docs] def get_out_size(self) -> int: return self.n_fpv
class OffsetSelfAttention(SelfAttention): r''' Class for applying offset-self attention (Guo et al. 2020 ( to features per vertex. Arguments: n_fpv: number of features per vertex to expect n_a: width of self attention representation (paper recommends n_fpv//4) do: dropout rate to be applied to hidden layers in the NNs bn: whether batch normalisation should be applied to hidden layers in the NNs act: activation function to apply to hidden layers in the NNs lookup_init: function taking choice of activation function, number of inputs, and number of outputs an returning a function to initialise layer weights. lookup_act: function taking choice of activation function and returning an activation function layer bn_class: class to use for BatchNorm, default is :class:`~lumin.nn.models.layers.batchnorms.LCBatchNorm1d` ''' def forward(self, x:Tensor) -> Tensor: # B N C r''' Augments features per vertex Arguemnts: x: incoming data (batch x vertices x features) Returns: augmented features (batch x vertices x new features) ''' a = self.q(x)@self.k(x).transpose(-1,-2) # B N N a = torch.softmax(a, dim=-2) # Softmax norm rows a = a/(a.sum(-1, keepdim=True)+1e-17) # L1 norm columns sa = a@self.v(x) # B N C return x+self.out(x-sa) # B N C
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