
Source code for lumin.data_processing.file_proc

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Any
import os
from pathlib import Path

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, KFold

__all__ = ['save_to_grp', 'fold2foldfile', 'df2foldfile']

[docs]def save_to_grp(arr:np.ndarray, grp:h5py.Group, name:str) -> None: r''' Save Numpy array as a dataset in an h5py Group Arguments: arr: array to be saved grp: group in which to save arr name: name of dataset to create ''' # TODO Option for string length ds = grp.create_dataset(name, shape=arr.shape, if != 'object' else 'S16') ds[...] = arr if != 'object' else arr.astype('S16')
[docs]def fold2foldfile(df:pd.DataFrame, out_file:h5py.File, fold_idx:int, cont_feats:List[str], cat_feats:List[str], targ_feats:Union[str,List[str]], targ_type:Any, misc_feats:Optional[List[str]]=None, wgt_feat:Optional[str]=None) -> None: r''' Save fold of data into an h5py Group Arguments: df: Dataframe from which to save data out_file: h5py file to save data in fold_idx: ID for the fold; used name h5py group according to 'fold_{fold_idx}' cont_feats: list of columns in df to save as continuous variables cat_feats: list of columns in df to save as discreet variables targ_feats (list of) column(s) in df to save as target feature(s) targ_type: type of target feature, e.g. int,'float32' misc_feats (optional): any extra columns to save wgt_feat (optional): column to save as data weights ''' # TODO infer target type automatically grp = out_file.create_group(f'fold_{fold_idx}') save_to_grp(np.hstack((df[cont_feats].values.astype('float32'), df[cat_feats].values.astype('float32'))), grp, 'inputs') save_to_grp(df[targ_feats].values.astype(targ_type), grp, 'targets') if wgt_feat is not None: save_to_grp(df[wgt_feat].values.astype('float32'), grp, 'weights') if misc_feats is not None: for f in misc_feats: save_to_grp(df[f].values, grp, f)
[docs]def df2foldfile(df:pd.DataFrame, n_folds:int, cont_feats:List[str], cat_feats:List[str], targ_feats:Union[str,List[str]], savename:Union[Path,str], targ_type:str, strat_key:Optional[str]=None, misc_feats:Optional[List[str]]=None, wgt_feat:Optional[str]=None): r''' Convert dataframe into h5py file by splitting data into sub-folds to be accessed by a :class:`` Arguments: df: Dataframe from which to save data n_folds: number of folds to split df into cont_feats: list of columns in df to save as continuous variables cat_feats: list of columns in df to save as discreet variables targ_feats (list of) column(s) in df to save as target feature(s) savename: name of h5py file to create (.h5py extension not required) targ_type: type of target feature, e.g. int,'float32' strat_key (optional): column to use for stratified splitting misc_feats (optional): any extra columns to save wgt_feat (optional): column to save as data weights ''' savename = str(savename) os.system(f'rm {savename}.hdf5') os.makedirs(savename[:savename.rfind('/')], exist_ok=True) out_file = h5py.File(f'{savename}.hdf5', "w") if strat_key is None: kf = KFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True) folds = kf.split(df) else: kf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True) folds = kf.split(df, df[strat_key]) for fold_idx, (_, fold) in enumerate(folds): print(f"Saving fold {fold_idx} with {len(fold)} events") fold2foldfile(df.iloc[fold].copy(), out_file, fold_idx, cont_feats=cont_feats, cat_feats=cat_feats, targ_feats=targ_feats, targ_type=targ_type, misc_feats=misc_feats, wgt_feat=wgt_feat)
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