
Source code for lumin.data_processing.hep_proc

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Union, Optional, Set
import warnings

__all__ = ['to_cartesian', 'to_pt_eta_phi', 'delta_phi', 'twist', 'add_abs_mom', 'add_mass', 'add_energy', 'add_mt', 'get_vecs', 'fix_event_phi', 'fix_event_z',
           'fix_event_y', 'event_to_cartesian', 'proc_event', 'calc_pair_mass']

- Add non inplace versions/options

[docs]def to_cartesian(df:pd.DataFrame, vec:str, drop:bool=False) -> None: r''' Vectoriesed conversion of 3-momenta to Cartesian coordinates inplace, optionally dropping old pT,eta,phi features Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter vec: column prefix of vector components to alter, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_pt', 'muon_phi', 'muon_eta'] drop: Whether to remove original columns and just keep the new ones ''' z = f'{vec}_eta' in df.columns try: pt = df[f'{vec}_pT'] pt_name = f'{vec}_pT' except KeyError: pt = df[f'{vec}_pt'] pt_name = f'{vec}_pt' if z: eta = df[f'{vec}_eta'] phi = df[f'{vec}_phi'] df[f'{vec}_px'] = pt*np.cos(phi) df[f'{vec}_py'] = pt*np.sin(phi) if z: df[f'{vec}_pz'] = pt*np.sinh(eta) if drop: df.drop(columns=[pt_name, f"{vec}_phi"], inplace=True) if z: df.drop(columns=[f"{vec}_eta"], inplace=True)
[docs]def to_pt_eta_phi(df:pd.DataFrame, vec:str, eta:Optional[bool]=None, drop:bool=False) -> None: r''' Vectoriesed conversion of 3-momenta to pT,eta,phi coordinates inplace, optionally dropping old px,py,pz features .. Attention:: eta is now deprecieated as it is now infered from `df`. Will be removed in `V0.4` Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter vec: column prefix of vector components to alter, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_px', 'muon_py', 'muon_pz'] eta: depreciated as now infered drop: Whether to remove original columns and just keep the new ones ''' # XXX Remove in v0.4 if eta is not None: warnings.warn('''Passing eta is now no longer required, it is infered from DF. The eta argument is now depreciated and will be removed in v0.4''') eta = f'{vec}_pz' in df.columns px = df[f"{vec}_px"] py = df[f"{vec}_py"] if eta: pz = df[f"{vec}_pz"] df[f'{vec}_pT'] = np.sqrt(np.square(px) + np.square(py)) if eta: df[f'{vec}_eta'] = np.arcsinh(pz/df[f'{vec}_pT']) df[f'{vec}_phi'] = np.arcsin(py/df[f'{vec}_pT']) df.loc[(df[f"{vec}_px"] < 0) & (df[f"{vec}_py"] > 0), f'{vec}_phi'] = np.pi-df.loc[(df[f"{vec}_px"] < 0) & (df[f"{vec}_py"] > 0), f'{vec}_phi'] df.loc[(df[f"{vec}_px"] < 0) & (df[f"{vec}_py"] < 0), f'{vec}_phi'] = -(np.pi+df.loc[(df[f"{vec}_px"] < 0) & (df[f"{vec}_py"] < 0), f'{vec}_phi']) df.loc[(df[f"{vec}_px"] < 0) & (df[f"{vec}_py"] == 0), f'{vec}_phi'] = \ np.random.choice((-np.pi, np.pi), df[(df[f"{vec}_px"] < 0) & (df[f"{vec}_py"] == 0)].shape[0]) if drop: df.drop(columns=[f"{vec}_px", f"{vec}_py"], inplace=True) if eta: df.drop(columns=[f"{vec}_pz"], inplace=True)
[docs]def delta_phi(arr_a:Union[float,np.ndarray], arr_b:Union[float,np.ndarray]) -> Union[float,np.ndarray]: r''' Vectorised compututation of modulo 2pi angular seperation of array of angles b from array of angles a, in range [-pi,pi] Arguments: arr_a: reference angles arr_b: final angles Returns: angular separation as float or np.array ''' df = pd.DataFrame() # Better way to do this without df? df['dphi'] = arr_b-arr_a while len(df[df.dphi > np.pi]) > 0: df.loc[df.dphi > np.pi, 'dphi'] -= 2*np.pi while len(df[df.dphi < -np.pi]) > 0: df.loc[df.dphi < -np.pi, 'dphi'] += 2*np.pi return df.dphi.values
[docs]def twist(dphi:Union[float,np.ndarray], deta:Union[float,np.ndarray]) -> Union[float,np.ndarray]: r''' Vectorised computation of twist between vectors ( Arguments: dphi: delta phi separations deta: delta eta separations Returns: angular separation as float or np.array ''' return np.arctan(np.abs(dphi/deta))
[docs]def add_abs_mom(df:pd.DataFrame, vec:str, z:bool=True) -> None: r''' Vectorised computation 3-momenta magnitude, adding new column in place. Currently only works for Cartesian vectors Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter vec: column prefix of vector components, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_px', 'muon_py', 'muon_pz'] z: whether to consider the z-component of the momenta ''' # TODO extend to work on pT, eta, phi vectors if z: df[f'{vec}_absp'] = np.sqrt(np.square(df[f'{vec}_px'])+np.square(df[f'{vec}_py'])+np.square(df[f'{vec}_pz'])) else: df[f'{vec}_absp'] = np.sqrt(np.square(df[f'{vec}_px'])+np.square(df[f'{vec}_py']))
[docs]def add_mass(df:pd.DataFrame, vec:str) -> None: r''' Vectorised computation of mass of 4-vector, adding new column in place. Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter vec: column prefix of vector components, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_px', 'muon_py', 'muon_pz'] ''' if f'{vec}_absp' not in df.columns: add_abs_mom(df, vec) df[f'{vec}_mass'] = np.sqrt(np.square(df[f'{vec}_E'])-np.square(df[f'{vec}_absp']))
[docs]def add_energy(df:pd.DataFrame, vec:str) -> None: r''' Vectorised computation of energy of 4-vector, adding new column in place. Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter vec: column prefix of vector components, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_px', 'muon_py', 'muon_pz'] ''' if f'{vec}_absp' not in df.columns: add_abs_mom(df, vec) df[f'{vec}_E'] = np.sqrt(np.square(df[f'{vec}_mass'])+np.square(df[f'{vec}_absp']))
[docs]def add_mt(df:pd.DataFrame, vec:str, mpt_name:str='mpt'): r''' Vectorised computation of transverse mass of 4-vector with respect to missing transverse momenta, adding new column in place. Currently only works for pT, eta, phi vectors Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter vec: column prefix of vector components, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_px', 'muon_py', 'muon_pz'] mpt_name: column prefix of vector of missing transverse momenta components, e.g. 'mpt' for columns ['mpt_pT', 'mpt_phi'] ''' # TODO: extend to work on Cartesian coordinates try: df[f'{vec}_mT'] = np.sqrt(2*df[f'{vec}_pT']*df[f'{mpt_name}_pT']*(1-np.cos(delta_phi(df[f'{vec}_phi'], df[f'{mpt_name}_phi'])))) except KeyError: df[f'{vec}_mt'] = np.sqrt(2*df[f'{vec}_pt']*df[f'{mpt_name}_pt']*(1-np.cos(delta_phi(df[f'{vec}_phi'], df[f'{mpt_name}_phi']))))
[docs]def get_vecs(feats:List[str], strict:bool=True) -> Set[str]: r''' Filter list of features to get list of 3-momenta defined in the list. Works for both pT, eta, phi and Cartesian coordinates. If strict, return only vectors with all coordinates present in feature list. Arguments: feats: list of features to filter strict: whether to require all 3-momenta components to be present in the list Returns: set of unique 3-momneta prefixes ''' low = [f.lower() for f in feats] all_vecs = [f for f in feats if (f.lower().endswith('_pt') or f.lower().endswith('_phi') or f.lower().endswith('_eta')) or (f.lower().endswith('_px') or f.lower().endswith('_py') or f.lower().endswith('_pz'))] if not strict: return set([v[:v.rfind('_')] for v in all_vecs]) vecs = [v[:v.rfind('_')] for v in all_vecs if (f'{v[:v.rfind("_")]}_pt'.lower() in low and f'{v[:v.rfind("_")]}_phi'.lower() in low) or (f'{v[:v.rfind("_")]}_px'.lower() in low and f'{v[:v.rfind("_")]}_py'.lower() in low)] return set(vecs)
[docs]def fix_event_phi(df:pd.DataFrame, ref_vec:str) -> None: r''' Rotate event in phi such that ref_vec is at phi == 0. Performed inplace. Currently only works on vectors defined in pT, eta, phi Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter ref_vec: column prefix of vector components to use as reference, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_pT', 'muon_eta', 'muon_phi'] ''' # TODO: extend to work on Cartesian coordinates for v in get_vecs(df.columns): if v != ref_vec: df[f'{v}_phi'] = delta_phi(df[f'{ref_vec}_phi'], df[f'{v}_phi']) df[f'{ref_vec}_phi'] = 0
[docs]def fix_event_z(df:pd.DataFrame, ref_vec:str) -> None: r''' Flip event in z-axis such that ref_vec is in positive z-direction. Performed inplace. Works for both pT, eta, phi and Cartesian coordinates. Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter ref_vec: column prefix of vector components to use as reference, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_pT', 'muon_eta', 'muon_phi'] ''' if f'{ref_vec}_eta' in df.columns: cut = (df[f'{ref_vec}_eta'] < 0) for v in get_vecs(df.columns): try: df.loc[cut, f'{v}_eta'] = -df.loc[cut, f'{v}_eta'] except KeyError: print(f'eta component of {v} not found') else: cut = cut = (df[f'{ref_vec}_pz'] < 0) for v in get_vecs(df.columns): try: df.loc[cut, f'{v}_pz'] = -df.loc[cut, f'{v}_pz'] except KeyError: print(f'pz component of {v} not found')
[docs]def fix_event_y(df:pd.DataFrame, ref_vec_0:str, ref_vec_1:str) -> None: r''' Flip event in y-axis such that ref_vec_1 has a higher py than ref_vec_0. Performed in place. Works for both pT, eta, phi and Cartesian coordinates. Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter ref_vec_0: column prefix of vector components to use as reference 0, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_pT', 'muon_eta', 'muon_phi'] ref_vec_1: column prefix of vector components to use as reference 1, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_pT', 'muon_eta', 'muon_phi'] ''' if f'{ref_vec_1}_phi' in df.columns: cut = (df[f'{ref_vec_1}_phi'] < 0) for v in get_vecs(df.columns): if v != ref_vec_0: df.loc[cut, f'{v}_phi'] = -df.loc[cut, f'{v}_phi'] else: cut = (df[f'{ref_vec_1}_py'] < 0) for v in get_vecs(df.columns): if v != ref_vec_0: df.loc[cut, f'{v}_py'] = -df.loc[cut, f'{v}_py']
[docs]def event_to_cartesian(df:pd.DataFrame, drop:bool=False, ignore:Optional[List[str]]=None) -> None: r''' Convert entire event to Cartesian coordinates, except vectors listed in ignore. Optionally, drop old pT,eta,phi features. Perfomed inplace. Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter drop: whether to drop old coordinates ignore: vectors to ignore when converting ''' for v in get_vecs(df.columns): if ignore is None or v not in ignore: to_cartesian(df, v, drop=drop)
[docs]def proc_event(df:pd.DataFrame, fix_phi:bool=False, fix_y=False, fix_z=False, use_cartesian=False, ref_vec_0:str=None, ref_vec_1:str=None, keep_feats:Optional[List[str]]=None, default_vals:Optional[List[str]]=None) -> None: r''' Process event: Pass data through inplace various conversions and drop uneeded columns. Data expected to consist of vectors defined in pT, eta, phi. Arguments: df: DataFrame to alter fix_phi: whether to rotate events using :meth:`~lumin.data_prcoessing.hep.proc.fix_event_phi` fix_y: whether to flip events using :meth:`~lumin.data_prcoessing.hep.proc.fix_event_y` fix_z: whether to flip events using :meth:`~lumin.data_prcoessing.hep.proc.fix_event_z` use_cartesian: wether to convert vectors to Cartesian coordinates ref_vec_0: column prefix of vector components to use as reference (0) for :meth:~lumin.data_prcoessing.hep.proc.fix_event_phi`, :meth:`~lumin.data_prcoessing.hep.proc.fix_event_y`, and :meth:`~lumin.data_prcoessing.hep.proc.fix_event_z` e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_pT', 'muon_eta', 'muon_phi'] ref_vec_1: column prefix of vector components to use as reference 1 for :meth:`~lumin.data_prcoessing.hep.proc.fix_event_z`, e.g. 'muon' for columns ['muon_pT', 'muon_eta', 'muon_phi'] keep_feats: columns to keep which would otherwise be dropped default_vals: list of default values which might be used to represent missing vector components. These will be replaced with np.nan. ''' df.replace([np.inf, -np.inf]+default_vals if default_vals is not None else [np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan, inplace=True) if keep_feats is not None: for f in keep_feats: df[f'{f}keep'] = df[f'{f}'] if fix_phi: print(f'Setting {ref_vec_0} to phi = 0') fix_event_phi(df, ref_vec_0) if fix_y: print(f'Setting {ref_vec_1} to positve phi') fix_event_y(df, ref_vec_0, ref_vec_1) if fix_z: print(f'Setting {ref_vec_0} to positive eta') fix_event_z(df, ref_vec_0) if use_cartesian: print("Converting to use_cartesian coordinates") event_to_cartesian(df, drop=True) if fix_phi and not use_cartesian: df.drop(columns=[f"{ref_vec_0}_phi"], inplace=True) elif fix_phi and use_cartesian: df.drop(columns=[f"{ref_vec_0}_py"], inplace=True) if keep_feats is not None: for f in keep_feats: df[f'{f}'] = df[f'{f}keep'] df.drop(columns=[f'{f}keep'], inplace=True)
[docs]def calc_pair_mass(df:pd.DataFrame, masses:Union[Tuple[float,float],Tuple[np.ndarray,np.ndarray]], feat_map:Dict[str,str]) -> np.ndarray: r''' Vectorised computation of invarient mass of pair of particles with given masses, using 3-momenta. Only works for vectors defined in Cartesian coordinates. Arguments: df: DataFrame vector components masses: tuple of masses of particles (either constant or different pair of masses per pair of particles) feat_map: dictionary mapping of requested momentum components to the features in df Returns: np.array of invarient masses ''' # TODO: rewrite to not use a DataFrame for holding parent vector # TODO: add inplace option # TODO: extend to work on pT, eta, phi coordinates tmp = pd.DataFrame() tmp['0_E'] = np.sqrt((masses[0]**2)+np.square(df.loc[:, feat_map['0_px']])+np.square(df.loc[:, feat_map['0_py']])+np.square(df.loc[:, feat_map['0_pz']])) tmp['1_E'] = np.sqrt((masses[1]**2)+np.square(df.loc[:, feat_map['1_px']])+np.square(df.loc[:, feat_map['1_py']])+np.square(df.loc[:, feat_map['1_pz']])) tmp['p_px'] = df.loc[:, feat_map['0_px']]+df.loc[:, feat_map['1_px']] tmp['p_py'] = df.loc[:, feat_map['0_py']]+df.loc[:, feat_map['1_py']] tmp['p_pz'] = df.loc[:, feat_map['0_pz']]+df.loc[:, feat_map['1_pz']] tmp['p_E'] = tmp.loc[:, '0_E']+tmp.loc[:, '1_E'] tmp['p_p2'] = np.square(tmp.loc[:, 'p_px'])+np.square(tmp.loc[:, 'p_py'])+np.square(tmp.loc[:, 'p_pz']) tmp['p_mass'] = np.sqrt(np.square(tmp.loc[:, 'p_E'])-tmp.loc[:, 'p_p2']) return tmp.p_mass.values
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