
Source code for lumin.nn.metrics.class_eval

import numpy as np
from typing import List

from .eval_metric import EvalMetric
from import FoldYielder
from ...evaluation.ams import ams_scan_quick, ams_scan_slow
from ...utils.misc import to_binary_class

__all__ = ['AMS', 'MultiAMS']

[docs]class AMS(EvalMetric): r''' Class to compute maximum Approximate Median Significance ( using classifier which directly predicts the class of data in a binary classifiaction problem. AMS is computed on a single fold of data provided by a :class:`` and automatically reweights data by event multiplicity to account missing weights. Arguments: n_total:total number of events in entire data set wgt_name: name of weight group in fold file to use. N.B. if you have reweighted to balance classes, be sure to use the un-reweighted weights. targ_name: name of target group in fold file br: constant bias offset for background yield syst_unc_b: fractional systematic uncertainty on background yield use_quick_scan: whether to optimise AMS by the :meth:`~lumin.evaluation.ams.ams_scan_quick` method (fast but suffers floating point precision) if False use :meth:`~lumin.evaluation.ams.ams_scan_slow` (slower but more accurate) Examples:: >>> ams_metric = AMS(n_total=250000, br=10, wgt_name='gen_orig_weight') >>> >>> ams_metric = AMS(n_total=250000, syst_unc_b=0.1, ... wgt_name='gen_orig_weight', use_quick_scan=False) ''' def __init__(self, n_total:int, wgt_name:str, targ_name:str='targets', br:float=0, syst_unc_b:float=0, use_quick_scan:bool=True): super().__init__(targ_name=targ_name, wgt_name=wgt_name) self.n_total,,self.syst_unc_b,self.use_quick_scan,self.lower_metric_better = n_total,br,syst_unc_b,use_quick_scan,False
[docs] def evaluate(self, fy:FoldYielder, idx:int, y_pred:np.ndarray) -> float: r''' Compute maximum AMS on fold using provided predictions. Arguments: fy: :class:`` interfacing to data idx: fold index corresponding to fold for which y_pred was computed y_pred: predictions for fold Returns: Maximum AMS computed on reweighted data from fold Examples:: >>> ams = ams_metric.evaluate(train_fy, val_id, val_preds) ''' df = self.get_df(fy, idx, y_pred) if self.use_quick_scan: ams, _ = ams_scan_quick(df, wgt_factor=self.n_total/len(y_pred),, syst_unc_b=self.syst_unc_b) else: ams, _ = ams_scan_slow(df, wgt_factor=self.n_total/len(y_pred),, syst_unc_b=self.syst_unc_b, show_prog=False) return ams
[docs]class MultiAMS(AMS): r''' Class to compute maximum Approximate Median Significance ( using classifier which predicts the class of data in a multiclass classifiaction problem which can be reduced to a binary classification problem AMS is computed on a single fold of data provided by a :class:`` and automatically reweights data by event multiplicity to account missing weights. Arguments: n_total:total number of events in entire data set wgt_name: name of weight group in fold file to use. N.B. if you have reweighted to balance classes, be sure to use the un-reweighted weights. targ_name: name of target group in fold file which indicates whether the event is signal or background zero_preds: list of predicted classes which correspond to class 0 in the form pred_[i], where i is a NN output index one_preds: list of predicted classes which correspond to class 1 in the form pred_[i], where i is a NN output index br: constant bias offset for background yield syst_unc_b: fractional systematic uncertainty on background yield use_quick_scan: whether to optimise AMS by the :meth:`~lumin.evaluation.ams.ams_scan_quick` method (fast but suffers floating point precision) if False use :meth:`~lumin.evaluation.ams.ams_scan_slow` (slower but more accurate) Examples:: >>> ams_metric = MultiAMS(n_total=250000, br=10, targ_name='gen_target', ... wgt_name='gen_orig_weight', ... zero_preds=['pred_0', 'pred_1', 'pred_2'], ... one_preds=['pred_3']) >>> >>> ams_metric = MultiAMS(n_total=250000, syst_unc_b=0.1, ... targ_name='gen_target', ... wgt_name='gen_orig_weight', ... use_quick_scan=False, ... zero_preds=['pred_0', 'pred_1', 'pred_2'], ... one_preds=['pred_3']) ''' def __init__(self, n_total:int, wgt_name:str, targ_name:str, zero_preds:List[str], one_preds:List[str], br:float=0, syst_unc_b:float=0, use_quick_scan:bool=True): super().__init__(n_total=n_total, br=br, syst_unc_b=syst_unc_b, use_quick_scan=use_quick_scan, targ_name=targ_name, wgt_name=wgt_name) self.zero_preds,self.one_preds = zero_preds,one_preds
[docs] def evaluate(self, fy:FoldYielder, idx:int, y_pred:np.ndarray) -> float: r''' Compute maximum AMS on fold using provided predictions. Arguments: fy: :class:`` interfacing to data idx: fold index corresponding to fold for which y_pred was computed y_pred: predictions for fold Returns: Maximum AMS computed on reweighted data from fold Examples:: >>> ams = ams_metric.evaluate(train_fy, val_id, val_preds) ''' # TODO: make the zero and one preds more user-friendly df = self.get_df(fy, idx, y_pred) to_binary_class(df, self.zero_preds, self.one_preds) if self.use_quick_scan: ams, _ = ams_scan_quick(df, wgt_factor=self.n_total/len(y_pred),, syst_unc_b=self.syst_unc_b) else: ams, _ = ams_scan_slow(df, wgt_factor=self.n_total/len(y_pred),, syst_unc_b=self.syst_unc_b, show_prog=False) return ams
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