
lumin.nn.models.blocks package


lumin.nn.models.blocks.body module

class lumin.nn.models.blocks.body.FullyConnected(n_in, feat_map, depth, width, do=0, bn=False, act='relu', res=False, dense=False, growth_rate=0, lookup_init=<function lookup_normal_init>, lookup_act=<function lookup_act>, freeze=False)[source]

Bases: lumin.nn.models.blocks.body.AbsBody

Fully connected set of hidden layers. Designed to be passed as a ‘body’ to ModelBuilder. Supports batch normalisation and dropout. Order is dense->activation->BN->DO, except when res is true in which case the BN is applied after the addition. Can optionaly have skip connections between each layer (res=true). Alternatively can concatinate layers (dense=true) growth_rate parameter can be used to adjust the width of layers according to width+(width*(depth-1)*growth_rate)

  • n_in (int) – number of inputs to the block

  • feat_map (Dict[str, List[int]]) – dictionary mapping input features to the model to outputs of head block

  • depth (int) – number of hidden layers. If res==True and depth is even, depth will be increased by one.

  • width (int) – base width of each hidden layer

  • do (float) – if not None will add dropout layers with dropout rates do

  • bn (bool) – whether to use batch normalisation

  • act (str) – string representation of argument to pass to lookup_act

  • res (bool) – whether to add an additative skip connection every two dense layers. Mutually exclusive with dense.

  • dense (bool) – whether to perform layer-wise concatinations after every layer. Mutually exclusion with res.

  • growth_rate (int) – rate at which width of dense layers should increase with depth beyond the initial layer. Ignored if res=True. Can be negative.

  • lookup_init (Callable[[str, Optional[int], Optional[int]], Callable[[Tensor], None]]) – function taking choice of activation function, number of inputs, and number of outputs an returning a function to initialise layer weights.

  • lookup_act (Callable[[str], Any]) – function taking choice of activation function and returning an activation function layer

  • freeze (bool) – whether to start with module parameters set to untrainable

>>> body = FullyConnected(n_in=32, feat_map=head.feat_map, depth=4,
...                       width=100, act='relu')
>>> body = FullyConnected(n_in=32, feat_map=head.feat_map, depth=4,
...                       width=200, act='relu', growth_rate=-0.3)
>>> body = FullyConnected(n_in=32, feat_map=head.feat_map, depth=4,
...                       width=100, act='swish', do=0.1, res=True)
>>> body = FullyConnected(n_in=32, feat_map=head.feat_map, depth=6,
...                       width=32, act='selu', dense=True,
...                       growth_rate=0.5)
>>> body = FullyConnected(n_in=32, feat_map=head.feat_map, depth=6,
...                       width=50, act='prelu', bn=True,
...                       lookup_init=lookup_uniform_init)

Pass tensor through body


x (Tensor) – incoming tensor


Resulting tensor

Return type



Get size width of output layer

Return type



Width of output layer

class lumin.nn.models.blocks.body.MultiBlock(n_in, feat_map, blocks, feats_per_block, bottleneck_sz=0, bottleneck_act=None, lookup_init=<function lookup_normal_init>, lookup_act=<function lookup_act>, freeze=False)[source]

Bases: lumin.nn.models.blocks.body.AbsBody

Body block allowing outputs of head block to be split amongst a series of body blocks. Output is the concatination of all sub-body blocks. Optionally, single-neuron ‘bottleneck’ layers can be used to pass an input to each sub-block based on a learned function of the input features that block would otherwise not receive, i.e. a highly compressed representation of the rest of teh feature space.

  • n_in (int) – number of inputs to the block

  • feat_map (Dict[str, List[int]]) – dictionary mapping input features to the model to outputs of head block

  • blocks (List[partial]) – list of uninstantciated AbsBody blocks to which to pass a subsection of the total inputs. Note that partials should be used to set any relevant parameters at initialisation time

  • feats_per_block (List[List[str]]) – list of lists of names of features to pass to each AbsBody, not that the feat_map provided by AbsHead will map features to their relavant head outputs

  • bottleneck – if true, each block will receive the output of a single neuron which takes as input all the features which each given block does not directly take as inputs

  • bottleneck_act (Optional[str]) – if set to a string representation of an activation function, the output of each bottleneck neuron will be passed throguh the defined activation function before being passed to their associated blocks

  • lookup_init (Callable[[str, Optional[int], Optional[int]], Callable[[Tensor], None]]) – function taking choice of activation function, number of inputs, and number of outputs an returning a function to initialise layer weights.

  • lookup_act (Callable[[str], Any]) – function taking choice of activation function and returning an activation function layer

  • freeze (bool) – whether to start with module parameters set to untrainable

>>> body = MultiBlock(
...     blocks=[partial(FullyConnected, depth=1, width=50, act='swish'),
...             partial(FullyConnected, depth=6, width=55, act='swish',
...                     dense=True, growth_rate=-0.1)],
...     feats_per_block=[[f for f in train_feats if 'DER_' in f],
...                      [f for f in train_feats if 'PRI_' in f]])
>>> body = MultiBlock(
...     blocks=[partial(FullyConnected, depth=1, width=50, act='swish'),
...     partial(FullyConnected, depth=6, width=55, act='swish',
...             dense=True, growth_rate=-0.1)],
...     feats_per_block=[[f for f in train_feats if 'DER_' in f],
...                      [f for f in train_feats if 'PRI_' in f]],
...     bottleneck=True)
>>> body = MultiBlock(
...     blocks=[partial(FullyConnected, depth=1, width=50, act='swish'),
...             partial(FullyConnected, depth=6, width=55, act='swish',
...                     dense=True, growth_rate=-0.1)],
...     feats_per_block=[[f for f in train_feats if 'DER_' in f],
...                      [f for f in train_feats if 'PRI_' in f]],
...     bottleneck=True, bottleneck_act='swish')

Pass tensor through body


x (Tensor) – incoming tensor


Resulting tensor

Return type



Get size width of output layer

Return type



Total number of outputs accross all blocks

lumin.nn.models.blocks.endcap module

class lumin.nn.models.blocks.endcap.AbsEndcap(model)[source]

Bases: torch.nn.modules.module.Module

Abstract class for constructing post training layer which performs further calculation on NN outputs. Used when NN was trained to some proxy objective


model (Module) – trained Model to wrap


Pass tensor through endcap and compute function


x (Tensor) – model output tensor


Resulting tensor

Return type


abstract func(x)[source]

Transformation functio to apply to model outputs


x: model output tensor

Return type



Resulting tensor

predict(inputs, as_np=True)[source]

Evaluate model on input tensor, and comput function of model outputs

  • inputs (Union[ndarray, DataFrame, Tensor]) – input data as Numpy array, Pandas DataFrame, or tensor on device

  • as_np (bool) – whether to return predictions as Numpy array (otherwise tensor)

Return type

Union[ndarray, Tensor]


model predictions pass through endcap function

lumin.nn.models.blocks.head module

class lumin.nn.models.blocks.head.CatEmbHead(cont_feats, do_cont=0, do_cat=0, cat_embedder=None, lookup_init=<function lookup_normal_init>, freeze=False)[source]

Bases: lumin.nn.models.blocks.head.AbsHead

Standard model head for columnar data. Provides inputs for continuous features and embedding matrices for categorical inputs, and uses a dense layer to upscale to width of network body. Designed to be passed as a ‘head’ to ModelBuilder. Supports batch normalisation and dropout (at separate rates for continuous features and categorical embeddings). Continuous features are expected to be the first len(cont_feats) columns of input tensors and categorical features the remaining columns. Embedding arguments for categorical features are set using a CatEmbedder.

  • cont_feats (List[str]) – list of names of continuous input features

  • do_cont (float) – if not None will add a dropout layer with dropout rate do acting on the continuous inputs prior to concatination wih the categorical embeddings

  • do_cat (float) – if not None will add a dropout layer with dropout rate do acting on the categorical embeddings prior to concatination wih the continuous inputs

  • cat_embedder (Optional[CatEmbedder]) – CatEmbedder providing details of how to embed categorical inputs

  • lookup_init (Callable[[str, Optional[int], Optional[int]], Callable[[Tensor], None]]) – function taking choice of activation function, number of inputs, and number of outputs an returning a function to initialise layer weights.

  • freeze (bool) – whether to start with module parameters set to untrainable

>>> head = CatEmbHead(cont_feats=cont_feats)
>>> head = CatEmbHead(cont_feats=cont_feats,
...                   cat_embedder=CatEmbedder.from_fy(train_fy))
>>> head = CatEmbHead(cont_feats=cont_feats,
...                   cat_embedder=CatEmbedder.from_fy(train_fy),
...                   do_cont=0.1, do_cat=0.05)
>>> head = CatEmbHead(cont_feats=cont_feats,
...                   cat_embedder=CatEmbedder.from_fy(train_fy),
...                   lookup_init=lookup_uniform_init)

Pass tensor through head


x – input tensor


Resulting tensor

Return type



Get state_dict for every embedding matrix.

Return type

Dict[str, OrderedDict]


Dictionary mapping categorical features to learned embedding matrix


Get size width of output layer

Return type



Width of output layer

plot_embeds(savename=None, settings=<lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings object>)[source]

Plot representations of embedding matrices for each categorical feature.

  • savename (Optional[str]) – if not None, will save copy of plot to give path

  • settings (PlotSettings) – PlotSettings class to control figure appearance

Return type



Save learned embeddings to path. Each categorical embedding matic will be saved as a separate state_dict with name equal to the feature name as set in cat_embedder


path (Path) – path to which to save embedding weights

Return type


lumin.nn.models.blocks.tail module

class lumin.nn.models.blocks.tail.ClassRegMulti(n_in, n_out, objective, y_range=None, bias_init=None, lookup_init=<function lookup_normal_init>, freeze=False)[source]

Bases: lumin.nn.models.blocks.tail.AbsTail

Output block for (multi(class/label)) classification or regression tasks. Designed to be passed as a ‘tail’ to ModelBuilder. Takes output size of network body and scales it to required number of outputs. For regression tasks, y_range can be set with per-output minima and maxima. The outputs are then adjusted according to ((y_max-y_min)*x)+self.y_min, where x is the output of the network passed through a sigmoid function. Effectively allowing regression to be performed without normalising and standardising the target values. Note it is safest to allow some leaway in setting the min and max, e.g. max = 1.2*max, min = 0.8*min Output activation function is automatically set according to objective and y_range.

  • n_in (int) – number of inputs to expect

  • n_out (int) – number of outputs required

  • objective (str) – string representation of network objective, i.e. ‘classification’, ‘regression’, ‘multiclass’

  • y_range (Union[Tuple, ndarray, None]) – if not None, will apply rescaling to network outputs.

  • lookup_init (Callable[[str, Optional[int], Optional[int]], Callable[[Tensor], None]]) – function taking string representation of activation function, number of inputs, and number of outputs an returning a function to initialise layer weights.

>>> tail = ClassRegMulti(n_in=100, n_out=1, objective='classification')
>>> tail = ClassRegMulti(n_in=100, n_out=5, objective='multiclass')
>>> y_range = (0.8*targets.min(), 1.2*targets.max())
>>> tail = ClassRegMulti(n_in=100, n_out=1, objective='regression',
...                      y_range=y_range)
>>> min_targs = np.min(targets, axis=0).reshape(targets.shape[1],1)
>>> max_targs = np.max(targets, axis=0).reshape(targets.shape[1],1)
>>> min_targs[min_targs > 0] *=0.8
>>> min_targs[min_targs < 0] *=1.2
>>> max_targs[max_targs > 0] *=1.2
>>> max_targs[max_targs < 0] *=0.8
>>> y_range = np.hstack((min_targs, max_targs))
>>> tail = ClassRegMulti(n_in=100, n_out=6, objective='regression',
...                      y_range=y_range,
...                      lookup_init=lookup_uniform_init)

Pass tensor through tail


x (Tensor) – incoming tensor


Resulting tensor of model outputs

Return type



Get size width of output layer

Return type



Width of output layer

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