
Source code for lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import pickle
import glob
import warnings
from fastprogress import progress_bar, master_bar
from pathlib import Path
import timeit
from typing import Dict, Union, Any, List, Optional
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

from torch.tensor import Tensor

from .abs_ensemble import AbsEnsemble
from ..callbacks.abs_callback import AbsCallback
from ..models.model import Model
from ..models.model_builder import ModelBuilder
from import FoldYielder
from ..interpretation.features import get_ensemble_feat_importance
from ..metrics.eval_metric import EvalMetric
from ...utils.statistics import uncert_round

__all__ = ['Ensemble']

[docs]class Ensemble(AbsEnsemble): r''' Standard class for building an ensemble of collection of trained networks producedd by :meth:`` Input and output pipelines can be added. to provide easy saving and loaded of exported ensembles. Currently, the input pipeline is not used, so input data is expected to be preprocessed. However the output pipeline will be used to deprocess model predictions. Once instanciated, :meth:`lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble.build_ensemble` or :meth:load should be called. Alternatively, class_methods :meth:`lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble.from_save` or :meth:`lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble.from_results` may be used. Arguments: input_pipe: Optional input pipeline, alternatively call :meth:`lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble.add_input_pipe` output_pipe: Optional output pipeline, alternatively call :meth:`lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble.add_ouput_pipe` model_builder: Optional :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model_builder.ModelBuilder` for constructing models from saved weights. Examples:: >>> ensemble = Ensemble() >>> >>> ensemble = Ensemble(input_pipe, output_pipe, model_builder) ''' # TODO: check whether model_builder is necessary here # TODO: Standardise pipeline treatment: currently inputs not processed, but outputs are def __init__(self, input_pipe:Optional[Pipeline]=None, output_pipe:Optional[Pipeline]=None, model_builder:Optional[ModelBuilder]=None): super().__init__() self.input_pipe,self.output_pipe,self.model_builder = input_pipe,output_pipe,model_builder
[docs] def add_input_pipe(self, pipe:Pipeline) -> None: r''' Add input pipeline for saving Arguments: pipe: pipeline used for preprocessing input data ''' self.input_pipe = pipe
[docs] def add_output_pipe(self, pipe:Pipeline) -> None: r''' Add output pipeline for saving Arguments: pipe: pipeline used for preprocessing target data ''' self.output_pipe = pipe
[docs] @staticmethod def load_trained_model(model_idx:int, model_builder:ModelBuilder, name:str='train_weights/train_') -> Model: r''' Load trained model from save file of the form `{name}{model_idx}.h5` Arguments model_idx: index of model to load model_builder: :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model_builder.ModelBuilder` used to build the model name: base name of file from which to load model Returns: Model loaded from save ''' model = Model(model_builder) model.load(f'{name}{model_idx}.h5') return model
@staticmethod def _get_weights(value:float, metric:str, weighting='reciprocal') -> float: if weighting == 'reciprocal': return 1/value elif weighting == 'uniform': return 1 else: raise ValueError("No other weighting currently supported")
[docs] @classmethod def from_save(cls, name:str) -> AbsEnsemble: r''' Instantiate :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` from a saved :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` Arguments: name: base filename of ensemble Returns: Loaded :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` Examples:: >>> ensemble = Ensemble.from_save('weights/ensemble') ''' ensemble = cls() ensemble.load(name) return ensemble
[docs] @classmethod def from_results(cls, results:List[Dict[str,float]], size:int, model_builder:ModelBuilder, metric:str='loss', weighting:str='reciprocal', higher_metric_better:bool=False, snapshot_args:Optional[Dict[str,Any]]=None, location:Path=Path('train_weights'), verbose:bool=True) -> AbsEnsemble: r''' Instantiate :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` from a outputs of :meth:``. If cycle models are loaded, then only uniform weighting between models is supported. Arguments: results: results saved/returned by :meth:`` size: number of models to load as ranked by metric model_builder: :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model_builder.ModelBuilder` used for building :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` from saved models metric: metric name listed in results to use for ranking and weighting trained models weighting: 'reciprocal' or 'uniform' how to weight model predictions during predicition. 'reciprocal' = models weighted by 1/metric 'uniform' = models treated with equal weighting higher_metric_better: whether metric should be maximised or minimised snapshot_args: Dictionary potentially containing: 'cycle_losses': returned/save by :meth:`` when using an :class:`~lumin.nn.callbacks.cyclic_callbacks.AbsCyclicCallback` 'patience': patience value that was passed to :meth:`` 'n_cycles': number of cycles to load per model 'load_cycles_only': whether to only load cycles, or also the best performing model 'weighting_pwr': weight cycles according to (n+1)**weighting_pwr, where n is the number of cycles loaded so far. Models are loaded youngest to oldest location: Path to save location passed to :meth:`` verbose: whether to print out information of models loaded Returns: Built :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` Examples:: >>> ensemble = Ensemble.from_results(results, 10, model_builder, ... location=Path('train_weights')) >>> >>> ensemble = Ensemble.from_results( ... results, 1, model_builder, ... location=Path('train_weights'), ... snapshot_args={'cycle_losses':cycle_losses, ... 'patience':patience, ... 'n_cycles':8, ... 'load_cycles_only':True, ... 'weighting_pwr':0}) ''' ensemble = cls() ensemble.build_ensemble(results=results, size=size, model_builder=model_builder, metric=metric, weighting=weighting, higher_metric_better=higher_metric_better, snapshot_args=snapshot_args, location=location, verbose=verbose) return ensemble
[docs] def build_ensemble(self, results:List[Dict[str,float]], size:int, model_builder:ModelBuilder, metric:str='loss', weighting:str='reciprocal', higher_metric_better:bool=False, snapshot_args:Optional[Dict[str,Any]]=None, location:Path=Path('train_weights'), verbose:bool=True) -> None: r''' Load up an instantiated :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` with outputs of :meth:`` Arguments: results: results saved/returned by :meth:`` size: number of models to load as ranked by metric model_builder: :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model_builder.ModelBuilder` used for building :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` from saved models metric: metric name listed in results to use for ranking and weighting trained models weighting: 'reciprocal' or 'uniform' how to weight model predictions during predicition. 'reciprocal' = models weighted by 1/metric 'uniform' = models treated with equal weighting higher_metric_better: whether metric should be maximised or minimised snapshot_args: Dictionary potentially containing: 'cycle_losses': returned/save by :meth:`` when using an :class:`~lumin.nn.callbacks.cyclic_callbacks.AbsCyclicCallback` 'patience': patience value that was passed to :meth:`` 'n_cycles': number of cycles to load per model 'load_cycles_only': whether to only load cycles, or also the best performing model 'weighting_pwr': weight cycles according to (n+1)**weighting_pwr, where n is the number of cycles loaded so far. Models are loaded youngest to oldest location: Path to save location passed to :meth:`` verbose: whether to print out information of models loaded Examples:: >>> ensemble.build_ensemble(results, 10, model_builder, ... location=Path('train_weights')) >>> >>> ensemble.build_ensemble( ... results, 1, model_builder, ... location=Path('train_weights'), ... snapshot_args={'cycle_losses':cycle_losses, ... 'patience':patience, ... 'n_cycles':8, ... 'load_cycles_only':True, ... 'weighting_pwr':0}) ''' self.model_builder = model_builder cycle_losses = None if snapshot_args is None or 'cycle_losses' not in snapshot_args else snapshot_args['cycle_losses'] n_cycles = None if snapshot_args is None or 'n_cycles' not in snapshot_args else snapshot_args['n_cycles'] load_cycles_only = None if snapshot_args is None or 'load_cycles_only' not in snapshot_args else snapshot_args['load_cycles_only'] patience = 2 if snapshot_args is None or 'patience' not in snapshot_args else snapshot_args['patience'] weighting_pwr = 0 if snapshot_args is None or 'weighting_pwr' not in snapshot_args else snapshot_args['weighting_pwr'] if (cycle_losses is not None and n_cycles is None) or (cycle_losses is None and n_cycles is not None): warnings.warn("Warning: cycle ensembles requested, but not enough information passed") if cycle_losses is not None and n_cycles is not None and metric != 'loss': warnings.warn("Warning: Setting ensemble metric to loss") metric = 'loss' if cycle_losses is not None and n_cycles is not None and weighting != 'uniform': warnings.warn("Warning: Setting model weighting to uniform") weighting = 'uniform' if verbose: print(f"Choosing ensemble by {metric}") values = np.sort(np.array([(i, result[metric] if not higher_metric_better else 1/result[metric]) for i, result in enumerate(results)], dtype=[('model', int), ('result', float)]), order=['result']) self.models, weights = [], [] for i in progress_bar(range(min([size, len(results)]))): if not (load_cycles_only and n_cycles): self.models.append(self.load_trained_model(values[i]['model'], self.model_builder, name=location/'train_')) weights.append(self._get_weights(values[i]['result'], metric, weighting)) if verbose: print(f"Model {i} is {values[i]['model']} with {metric} = {values[i]['result'] if not higher_metric_better else 1/values[i]['result']}") if n_cycles: end_cycle = len(cycle_losses[values[i]['model']])-patience-1 if load_cycles_only: end_cycle += 1 for n, c in enumerate(range(end_cycle, max(0, end_cycle-n_cycles), -1)): self.models.append(self.load_trained_model(c, self.model_builder, name=location/f'{values[i]["model"]}_cycle_')) weights.append((n+1 if load_cycles_only else n+2)**weighting_pwr) if verbose: print(f"Model {i} cycle {c} has {metric} = {cycle_losses[values[i]['model']][c]} and weight {weights[-1]}") weights = np.array(weights) self.weights = weights/weights.sum() self.size = len(self.models) self.n_out = self.models[0].get_out_size() self.results = results
[docs] def predict_array(self, arr:np.ndarray, n_models:Optional[int]=None, parent_bar:Optional[master_bar]=None, display:bool=True, callbacks:Optional[List[AbsCallback]]=None) -> np.ndarray: r''' Apply ensemble to Numpy array and get predictions. If an output pipe has been added to the ensemble, then the predictions will be deprocessed. Inputs are expected to be preprocessed; i.e. any input pipe added to the ensemble is not used. Arguments: arr: input data n_models: number of models to use in predictions as ranked by the metric which was used when constructing the :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble`. By default, entire ensemble is used. parent_bar: not used when calling the method directly display: whether to display a progress bar for model evaluations callbacks: list of any callbacks to use during evaluation Returns: Numpy array of predictions Examples:: >>> preds = ensemble.predict_array(inputs) ''' pred = np.zeros((len(arr), self.n_out)) n_models = len(self.models) if n_models is None else n_models models = self.models[:n_models] weights = self.weights[:n_models] weights = weights/weights.sum() arr = Tensor(arr) for i, m in enumerate(progress_bar(models, parent=parent_bar, display=display)): tmp_pred = m.predict(arr, callbacks=callbacks) if self.output_pipe is not None: tmp_pred = self.output_pipe.inverse_transform(tmp_pred) pred += weights[i]*tmp_pred return pred
[docs] def predict_folds(self, fy:FoldYielder, n_models:Optional[int]=None, pred_name:str='pred', callbacks:Optional[List[AbsCallback]]=None, verbose:bool=True) -> None: r''' Apply ensemble to data accessed by a :class:`` and save predictions as a new group per fold in the foldfile. If an output pipe has been added to the ensemble, then the predictions will be deprocessed. Inputs are expected to be preprocessed; i.e. any input pipe added to the ensemble is not used. If foldyielder has test-time augmentation, then predictions will be averaged over all augmentated forms of the data. Arguments: fy: :class:`` interfacing with the input data n_models: number of models to use in predictions as ranked by the metric which was used when constructing the :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble`. By default, entire ensemble is used. pred_name: name for new group of predictions callbacks: list of any callbacks to use during evaluation verbose: whether to print average prediction timings Examples:: >>> ensemble.predict_array(test_fy, pred_name='pred_tta') ''' n_models = len(self.models) if n_models is None else n_models times = [] mb = master_bar(range(len(fy.foldfile))) for fold_idx in mb: fold_tmr = timeit.default_timer() if not fy.test_time_aug: fold = fy.get_fold(fold_idx)['inputs'] pred = self.predict_array(fold, n_models, mb, display=True, callbacks=callbacks) else: tmpPred = [] pb = progress_bar(range(fy.aug_mult), parent=mb) for aug in pb: fold = fy.get_test_fold(fold_idx, aug)['inputs'] tmpPred.append(self.predict_array(fold, n_models, display=False, callbacks=callbacks)) pred = np.mean(tmpPred, axis=0) times.append((timeit.default_timer()-fold_tmr)/len(fold)) if self.n_out > 1: fy.save_fold_pred(pred, fold_idx, pred_name=pred_name) else: fy.save_fold_pred(pred[:, 0], fold_idx, pred_name=pred_name) times = uncert_round(np.mean(times), np.std(times, ddof=1)/np.sqrt(len(times))) if verbose: print(f'Mean time per event = {times[0]}±{times[1]}')
[docs] def predict(self, inputs:Union[np.ndarray,FoldYielder,List[np.ndarray]], n_models:Optional[int]=None, pred_name:str='pred', callbacks:Optional[List[AbsCallback]]=None, verbose:bool=True) -> Union[None,np.ndarray]: r''' Compatability method for predicting data contained in either a Numpy array or a :class:`` Will either pass inputs to :meth:`lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble.predict_array` or :meth:`lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble.predict_folds`. Arguments: inputs: either a :class:`` interfacing with the input data, or the input data as an array n_models: number of models to use in predictions as ranked by the metric which was used when constructing the :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble`. By default, entire ensemble is used. pred_name: name for new group of predictions if passed a :class:`` callbacks: list of any callbacks to use during evaluation verbose: whether to print average predicition timings Returns: If passed a Numpy array will return predictions. Examples:: >>> preds = ensemble.predict(input_array) >>> >>> ensemble.predict(test_fy) ''' if not isinstance(inputs, FoldYielder): return self.predict_array(inputs, n_models, display=True, callbacks=callbacks) self.predict_folds(inputs, n_models, pred_name, callbacks=callbacks, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def save(self, name:str, feats:Optional[Any]=None, overwrite:bool=False) -> None: r''' Save ensemble and associated objects Arguments: name: base name for saved objects feats: optional list of input features overwrite: if existing objects are found, whether to overwrite them Examples:: >>>'weights/ensemble') >>> >>>'weights/ensemble', ['pt','eta','phi']) ''' if (len(glob.glob(f"{name}*.json")) or len(glob.glob(f"{name}*.h5")) or len(glob.glob(f"{name}*.pkl"))) and not overwrite: raise FileExistsError("Ensemble already exists with that name, call with overwrite=True to force save") else: os.makedirs(name[:name.rfind('/')], exist_ok=True) os.system(f"rm {name}*.json {name}*.h5 {name}*.pkl") for i, model in enumerate(progress_bar(self.models)):'{name}_{i}.h5') with open(f'{name}_weights.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(self.weights, fout) with open(f'{name}_results.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(self.results, fout) with open(f'{name}_builder.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(self.model_builder, fout) if self.input_pipe is not None: with open(f'{name}_input_pipe.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(self.input_pipe, fout) if self.output_pipe is not None: with open(f'{name}_output_pipe.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(self.output_pipe, fout) if feats is not None: with open(f'{name}_feats.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(feats, fout)
[docs] def load(self, name:str) -> None: r''' Load an instantiated :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` with weights and :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` from save. Arguments; name: base name for saved objects Examples:: >>> ensemble.load('weights/ensemble') ''' with open(f'{name}_builder.pkl', 'rb') as fin: self.model_builder = pickle.load(fin) names = glob.glob(f'{name}_*.h5') self.models = [] for n in progress_bar(sorted(names)): m = Model(self.model_builder) m.load(n) self.models.append(m) self.size = len(self.models) self.n_out = self.models[0].get_out_size() with open(f'{name}_weights.pkl', 'rb') as fin: self.weights = pickle.load(fin) try: with open(f'{name}_input_pipe.pkl', 'rb') as fin: self.input_pipe = pickle.load(fin) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: with open(f'{name}_output_pipe.pkl', 'rb') as fin: self.output_pipe = pickle.load(fin) except FileNotFoundError: pass try: with open(f'{name}_feats.pkl', 'rb') as fin: self.feats = pickle.load(fin) except FileNotFoundError: pass
[docs] def export2onnx(self, base_name:str, bs:int=1) -> None: r''' Export all :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` contained in :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` to ONNX format. Note that ONNX expects a fixed batch size (bs) which is the number of datapoints your wish to pass through the model concurrently. Arguments: base_name: Exported models will be called {base_name}_{model_num}.onnx bs: batch size for exported models ''' for i, m in enumerate(self.models): m.export2onnx(f'{base_name}_{i}', bs)
[docs] def export2tfpb(self, base_name:str, bs:int=1) -> None: r''' Export all :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` contained in :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` to Tensorflow ProtocolBuffer format, via ONNX. Note that ONNX expects a fixed batch size (bs) which is the number of datapoints your wish to pass through the model concurrently. Arguments: base_name: Exported models will be called {base_name}_{model_num}.pb bs: batch size for exported models ''' for i, m in enumerate(self.models): m.export2tfpb(f'{base_name}_{i}', bs)
[docs] def get_feat_importance(self, fy:FoldYielder, eval_metric:Optional[EvalMetric]=None) -> pd.DataFrame: r''' Call :meth:`~lumin.nn.interpretation.features.get_ensemble_feat_importance`, passing this :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` and provided arguments Arguments: fy: :class:`` interfacing to data on which to evaluate importance eval_metric: Optional :class:`~lumin.nn.metric.eval_metric.EvalMetric` to use for quantifying performance ''' return get_ensemble_feat_importance(self, fy, eval_metric)
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