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from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Any, Optional
from pathlib import Path
from fastprogress import master_bar, progress_bar
import pickle
import timeit
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
from random import shuffle
from collections import OrderedDict
import math
from functools import partial
import warnings

import torch.tensor as Tensor

from import FoldYielder
from import BatchYielder
from ..models.model_builder import ModelBuilder
from ..models.model import Model
from ..callbacks.cyclic_callbacks import AbsCyclicCallback
from ..callbacks.model_callbacks import AbsModelCallback
from ...utils.misc import to_tensor
from ...utils.statistics import uncert_round
from ..metrics.eval_metric import EvalMetric
from import plot_train_history
from ...plotting.plot_settings import PlotSettings

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ['fold_train_ensemble']

def _get_folds(val_idx, n_folds, shuffle_folds:bool=True):
    Return (shuffled) list of fold indeces which does not include the validation index

    folds = [x for x in range(n_folds) if x != val_idx]
    if shuffle_folds: shuffle(folds)
    return folds

[docs]def fold_train_ensemble(fy:FoldYielder, n_models:int, bs:int, model_builder:ModelBuilder, callback_partials:Optional[List[partial]]=None, eval_metrics:Optional[Dict[str,EvalMetric]]=None, train_on_weights:bool=True, eval_on_weights:bool=True, patience:int=10, max_epochs:int=200, plots:List[str]=['history', 'realtime'], shuffle_fold:bool=True, shuffle_folds:bool=True, bulk_move:bool=True, savepath:Path=Path('train_weights'), verbose:bool=False, log_output:bool=False, plot_settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> Tuple[List[Dict[str,float]],List[Dict[str,List[float]]],List[Dict[str,float]]]: r''' Main training method for :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model`. Trains a specified numer of models created by a :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model_builder.ModelBuilder` on data provided by a :class:``, and save them to savepath. Note, this does not return trained models, instead they are saved and must be loaded later. Instead this method returns results of model training. Each :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` is trained on N-1 folds, for a :class:`` with N folds, and the remaining fold is used as validation data. Training folds are loaded iteratively, and model evaluation takes place after each fold use (a sub-epoch), rather than after ever use of all folds (epoch). Training continues until: - All of the training folds are used max_epoch number of times; - Or validation loss does not decrease for patience number of training folds; (or cycles, if using an :class:`~lumin.nn.callbacks.cyclic_callbacks.AbsCyclicCallback`); - Or a callback triggers trainign to stop, e.g. :class:`~lumin.nn.callbacks.cyclic_callbacks.OneCycle` Once training is finished, the state with the lowest validation loss is loaded, evaluated, and saved. Arguments: fy: :class:`` interfacing ot training data n_models: number of models to train bs: batch size. Number of data points per iteration model_builder: :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model_builder.ModelBuilder` creating the networks to train callback_partials: optional list of functools.partial, each of which will a instantiate :class:`~lumin.nn.callbacks.callback.Callback` when called eval_metrics: list of instantiated :class:`~lumin.nn.metric.eval_metric.EvalMetric`. At the end of training, validation data and model predictions will be passed to each, and the results printed and saved train_on_weights: If weights are present in training data, whether to pass them to the loss function during training eval_on_weights: If weights are present in validation data, whether to pass them to the loss function during validation patience: number of folds (sub-epochs) or cycles to train without decrease in validation loss before ending training (early stopping) max_epochs: maximum number of epochs for which to train plots: list of string representation of plots to produce. currently: 'history': loss history of all models after all training has finished 'realtime': live loss evolution during training 'cycle": call the plot method of the last (if any) :class:`~lumin.nn.callbacks.cyclic_callbacks.AbsCyclicCallback` listed in callback_partials after every complete model training. shuffle_fold: whether to tell :class:`` to shuffle data shuffle_folds: whether to shuffle the order of the trainign folds bulk_move: whether to pass all training data to device at once, or by minibatch. Bulk moving will be quicker, but may not fit in memory. savepath: path to to which to save model weights and results verbose: whether to print out extra information during training log_output: whether to save printed results to a log file rather than printing them plot_settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance Returns: - results list of validation losses and other eval_metrics results, ordered by model training. Can be used to create an :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble`. - histories list of loss histories, ordered by model training - cycle_losses if an :class:`~lumin.nn.callbacks.cyclic_callbacks.AbsCyclicCallback` was passed, list of validation losses at the end of each cycle, ordered by model training. Can be passed to :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble`. ''' # TODO: fix returns paret of doc string os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True) os.system(f"rm {savepath}/*.h5 {savepath}/*.json {savepath}/*.pkl {savepath}/*.png {savepath}/*.log") if callback_partials is None: callback_partials = [] if log_output: old_stdout = sys.stdout log_file = open(savepath/'training_log.log', 'w') sys.stdout = log_file train_tmr = timeit.default_timer() results,histories,cycle_losses = [],[],[] nb = len(fy.foldfile['fold_0/targets'])//bs model_bar = master_bar(range(n_models)) if 'realtime' in plots: model_bar.names = ['Best', 'Train', 'Validation'] for model_num in (model_bar): val_id = model_num % fy.n_folds print(f"Training model {model_num+1} / {n_models}, Val ID = {val_id}") model_tmr = timeit.default_timer() os.system(f"rm {savepath}/best.h5") best_loss,epoch_counter,subEpoch,stop = math.inf,0,0,False loss_history = OrderedDict({'trn_loss': [], 'val_loss': []}) cycle_losses.append({}) trn_ids = _get_folds(val_id, fy.n_folds, shuffle_folds) model = Model(model_builder) val_fold = fy.get_fold(val_id) if not eval_on_weights: val_fold['weights'] = None cyclic_callback,callbacks,loss_callbacks = None,[],[] for c in callback_partials: callbacks.append(c(model=model)) for c in callbacks: if isinstance(c, AbsCyclicCallback): c.set_nb(nb) cyclic_callback = c for c in callbacks: if isinstance(c, AbsModelCallback): c.set_val_fold(val_fold) c.set_cyclic_callback(cyclic_callback) if getattr(c, "get_loss", None): loss_callbacks.append(c) model_bar.names.append(type(c).__name__) loss_history[f'{type(c).__name__}_val_loss'] = [] for c in callbacks: c.on_train_begin(model_num=model_num, savepath=savepath) # Validation data val_x, val_y, val_w = Tensor(val_fold['inputs']), Tensor(val_fold['targets']), to_tensor(val_fold['weights']) if train_on_weights else None if 'multiclass' in model_builder.objective: val_y = val_y.long().squeeze() else: val_y = val_y.float() if 'realtime' in plots: model_bar.update_graph([[0, 0] for i in range(len(model_bar.names))]) epoch_pb = progress_bar(range(max_epochs), leave=True) if 'realtime' in plots: for epoch in epoch_pb: for trn_id in trn_ids: subEpoch += 1 batch_yielder = BatchYielder(**fy.get_fold(trn_id), objective=model_builder.objective, bs=bs, use_weights=train_on_weights, shuffle=shuffle_fold, bulk_move=bulk_move) loss_history['trn_loss'].append(, callbacks)) val_loss = model.evaluate(val_x, val_y, weights=val_w, callbacks=callbacks) loss_history['val_loss'].append(val_loss) loss_callback_idx = None loss = val_loss for i, lc in enumerate(loss_callbacks): l = lc.get_loss() if l < loss: loss, loss_callback_idx = l, i if verbose: print(f'{subEpoch} {type(lc).__name__} loss {l}, default loss {val_loss}') l = loss if l is None or not else l loss_history[f'{type(lc).__name__}_val_loss'].append(l) if cyclic_callback is not None and cyclic_callback.cycle_end: if verbose: print(f"Saving snapshot {cyclic_callback.cycle_count}") cycle_losses[-1][cyclic_callback.cycle_count] = val_loss"{model_num}_cycle_{cyclic_callback.cycle_count}.h5")) if loss <= best_loss: best_loss = loss epoch_pb.comment = f'Epoch {subEpoch}, best loss: {best_loss:.4E}' if verbose: print(epoch_pb.comment) epoch_counter = 0 if loss_callback_idx is not None: loss_callbacks[loss_callback_idx]"best.h5") else:"best.h5") elif cyclic_callback is not None: if cyclic_callback.cycle_end: epoch_counter += 1 else: epoch_counter += 1 x = np.arange(len(loss_history['val_loss'])) if 'realtime' in plots: model_bar.update_graph([[x, best_loss*np.ones_like(x)]] + [[x, loss_history[l]] for l in loss_history]) if epoch_counter >= patience or model.stop_train: # Early stopping print('Early stopping after {} epochs'.format(subEpoch)) stop = True; break if stop: break model.load(savepath/"best.h5")'train_{model_num}.h5') for c in callbacks: c.on_train_end(fy=fy, val_id=val_id) histories.append({}) histories[-1] = loss_history results.append({}) results[-1]['loss'] = best_loss if eval_metrics is not None and len(eval_metrics) > 0: y_pred = model.predict(val_fold['inputs']) for m in eval_metrics: results[-1][m] = eval_metrics[m].evaluate(fy, val_id, y_pred) print(f"Scores are: {results[-1]}") with open(savepath/'results_file.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(results, fout) with open(savepath/'cycle_file.pkl', 'wb') as fout: pickle.dump(cycle_losses, fout) if 'realtime' in plots: delattr(model_bar, 'fig') plt.clf() if 'cycle' in plots and cyclic_callback is not None: cyclic_callback.plot() print(f"Fold took {timeit.default_timer()-model_tmr:.3f}s\n") print("\n______________________________________") print("Training finished") print(f"Cross-validation took {timeit.default_timer()-train_tmr:.3f}s ") if 'history' in plots: plot_train_history(histories, savepath/'loss_history', settings=plot_settings) for score in results[0]: mean = uncert_round(np.mean([x[score] for x in results]), np.std([x[score] for x in results])/np.sqrt(len(results))) print(f"Mean {score} = {mean[0]}±{mean[1]}") print("______________________________________\n") if log_output: sys.stdout = old_stdout log_file.close() return results, histories, cycle_losses
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