
Source code for lumin.plotting.results

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score, roc_curve 
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any, Union, Tuple
import multiprocessing as mp

from .plot_settings import PlotSettings
from ..utils.statistics import uncert_round
from ..utils.multiprocessing import mp_run

from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import mark_inset, inset_axes
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ['plot_roc', 'plot_binary_class_pred', 'plot_sample_pred']

def _bs_roc_auc(args:Dict[str,Any], out_q:mp.Queue) -> None:
    Compute bootstrap roc score for a list of datasets simultaneously using multiprocessing

    out_dict,scores = {},[]
    if 'name' not in args: args['name'] = ''
    if 'n'    not in args: args['n']    = 100
    for i in range(args['n']):
        points = np.random.choice(args['indeces'], len(args['indeces']), replace=True)
        if len(set(args['labels'].loc[points])) == 2: scores.append(roc_auc_score(args['labels'].loc[points], args['preds'].loc[points],
                                                                                  sample_weight=args['weights'].loc[points] if 'weights' in args else None))
    out_dict[f"{args['name']}_score"] = scores

[docs]def plot_roc(data:Union[pd.DataFrame,List[pd.DataFrame]], pred_name:str='pred', targ_name:str='gen_target', wgt_name:Optional[str]=None, labels:Optional[Union[str,List[str]]]=None, plot_params:Optional[Union[Dict[str,Any],List[Dict[str,Any]]]]=None, n_bootstrap:int=0, log_x:bool=False, plot_baseline:bool=True, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> Dict[str,Union[float,Tuple[float,float]]]: r''' Plot receiver operating characteristic curve(s), optionally using booststrap resampling Arguments: data: (list of) DataFrame(s) from which to draw predictions and targets pred_name: name of column to use as predictions targ_name: name of column to use as targets wgt_name: optional name of column to use as sample weights labels: (list of) label(s) for plot legend plot_params: (list of) dictionar[y/ies] of argument(s) to pass to line plot n_bootstrap: if greater than 0, will bootstrap resample the data that many times when computing the ROC AUC. Currently, this does not affect the shape of the lines, which are based on computing the ROC for the entire dataset as is. log_x: whether to use a log scale for plotting the x-axis, useful for high AUC line plot_baseline: whether to plot a dotted line for AUC=0.5. Currently incompatable with log_x=True savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance Returns: Dictionary mapping data labels to aucs (and uncertainties if n_bootstrap > 0) ''' # TODO: make plot show uncertainty bands with sns.axes_style(**, sns.color_palette(settings.cat_palette): if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): data = [data] if labels is None: labels = [f'{i}' for i in range(len(data))] if len(data) > 1 else ['' for i in range(len(data))] if plot_params is None: plot_params = [{} for i in range(len(data))] elif isinstance(plot_params, dict): plot_params = [plot_params for i in range(len(data))] curves,mean_scores = [],[] if n_bootstrap > 1: auc_args = [] for i in range(len(data)): auc_args.append({'n': n_bootstrap, 'labels': data[i][targ_name], 'preds': data[i][pred_name], 'name': i, 'indeces': data[i].index.tolist()}) if wgt_name is not None: auc_args[-1]['weights'] = data[i][wgt_name] res = mp_run(auc_args, _bs_roc_auc) for i in range(len(data)): mean_scores.append((np.mean(res[f'{i}_score']), np.std(res[f'{i}_score'], ddof=1))) else: for i in range(len(data)): if wgt_name is None: mean_scores.append(roc_auc_score(data[i][targ_name].values, data[i][pred_name])) else: mean_scores.append(roc_auc_score(data[i][targ_name].values, data[i][pred_name], sample_weight=data[i][wgt_name])) for i in range(len(data)): if wgt_name is None: curves.append(roc_curve(data[i][targ_name].values, data[i][pred_name].values)[:2]) else: curves.append(roc_curve(data[i][targ_name].values, data[i][pred_name].values, sample_weight=data[i][wgt_name].values)[:2]) aucs = {} plt.figure(figsize=(settings.h_mid, settings.h_mid)) for i in range(len(data)): aucs[labels[i]] = mean_scores[i] if n_bootstrap > 0: mean_score = uncert_round(*mean_scores[i]) plt.plot(*curves[i], label=f'{labels[i]} AUC = {mean_score[0]}±{mean_score[1]}', **plot_params[i]) else: plt.plot(*curves[i], label=f'{labels[i]} AUC = {mean_scores[i]:.3f}', **plot_params[i]) plt.xlabel(f'{settings.targ2class[0]} acceptance', fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) plt.ylabel(f'{settings.targ2class[1]} acceptance', fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) plt.legend(loc=settings.leg_loc, fontsize=settings.leg_sz) if log_x: plt.xscale('log', nonposx='clip') plt.grid(True, which="both") elif plot_baseline: plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--', label='No discrimination') plt.xticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) plt.yticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) plt.title(settings.title, fontsize=settings.title_sz, color=settings.title_col, loc=settings.title_loc) if savename is not None: plt.savefig(settings.savepath/f'{savename}{settings.format}', bbox_inches='tight') return aucs
def _get_samples(df:pd.DataFrame, sample_name:str, wgt_name:str): '''Returns set of samples present in df ordered by sum of weights''' samples = set(df[sample_name]) weights = [np.sum(df[df[sample_name] == sample][wgt_name]) for sample in samples] return [x[0] for x in np.array(sorted(zip(samples, weights), key=lambda x: x[1]))]
[docs]def plot_binary_class_pred(df:pd.DataFrame, pred_name:str='pred', targ_name:str='gen_target', wgt_name:str=None, wgt_scale:float=1, log_y:bool=False, lim_x:Tuple[float,float]=(0,1), density=True, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> None: r''' Basic plotter for prediction distribution in a binary classification problem. Note that labels are set using the settings.targ2class dictionary, which by default is {0: 'Background', 1: 'Signal'}. Arguments: df: DataFrame with targets and predictions pred_name: name of column to use as predictions targ_name: name of column to use as targets wgt_name: optional name of column to use as sample weights wgt_scale: applies a global multiplicative rescaling to sample weights. Default 1 = no rescaling log_y: whether to use a log scale for the y-axis lim_x: limit for plotting on the x-axis density: whether to normalise each distribution to one, or keep set to sum of weights / datapoints savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance ''' with sns.axes_style(**, sns.color_palette(settings.cat_palette): plt.figure(figsize=(settings.w_mid, settings.h_mid)) for targ in sorted(set(df[targ_name])): cut = df[targ_name] == targ hist_kws = {} if wgt_name is None else {'weights': wgt_scale*df.loc[cut, wgt_name]} sns.distplot(df.loc[cut, pred_name], label=settings.targ2class[targ], hist_kws=hist_kws, norm_hist=density, kde=False) plt.legend(loc=settings.leg_loc, fontsize=settings.leg_sz) plt.xlabel("Class prediction", fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) plt.xlim(lim_x) if density: plt.ylabel(r"$\frac{1}{N}\ \frac{dN}{dp}$", fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) elif wgt_scale != 1: plt.ylabel(str(wgt_scale) + r"$\times\frac{dN}{dp}$", fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) else: plt.ylabel(r"$\frac{dN}{dp}$", fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) if log_y: plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip') plt.grid(True, which="both") plt.xticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) plt.yticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) plt.title(settings.title, fontsize=settings.title_sz, color=settings.title_col, loc=settings.title_loc) if savename is not None: plt.savefig(settings.savepath/f'{savename}{settings.format}', bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]def plot_sample_pred(df:pd.DataFrame, pred_name:str='pred', targ_name:str='gen_target', wgt_name:str='gen_weight', sample_name:str='gen_sample', wgt_scale:float=1, bins:Union[int,List[int]]=35, log_y:bool=True, lim_x:Tuple[float,float]=(0,1), density=False, zoom_args:Optional[Dict[str,Any]]=None, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> None: r''' More advanceed plotter for prediction distirbution in a binary class problem with stacked distributions for backgrounds and user-defined binning Can also zoom in to specified parts of plot Note that plotting colours can be controled by seeting the settings.sample2col dictionary Arguments: df: DataFrame with targets and predictions pred_name: name of column to use as predictions targ_name: name of column to use as targets wgt_name: name of column to use as sample weights sample_name: name of column to use as process names wgt_scale: applies a global multiplicative rescaling to sample weights. Default 1 = no rescaling bins: either the number of bins to use for a uniform binning, or a list of bin edges for a variable-width binning log_y: whether to use a log scale for the y-axis lim_x: limit for plotting on the x-axis density: whether to normalise each distribution to one, or keep set to sum of weights / datapoints zoom_args: arguments to control the optional zoomed in section, e.g. {'x':(0.4,0.45), 'y':(0.2, 1500), 'anchor':(0,0.25,0.95,1), 'width_scale':1, 'width_zoom':4, 'height_zoom':3} savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance ''' hist_params = {'range': lim_x, 'bins': bins, 'normed': density, 'alpha': 0.8, 'stacked':True, 'rwidth':1.0} sig,bkg = (df[targ_name] == 1),(df[targ_name] == 0) sig_samples = _get_samples(df[sig], sample_name, wgt_name) bkg_samples = _get_samples(df[bkg], sample_name, wgt_name) sample2col = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(bkg_samples)} if settings.sample2col is None else settings.sample2col if zoom_args is not None: width_scale = 1.6 if 'width_scale' not in zoom_args else zoom_args['width_scale'] width_zoom = 3 if 'width_zoom' not in zoom_args else zoom_args['width_zoom'] height_zoom = 5 if 'height_zoom' not in zoom_args else zoom_args['height_zoom'] anchor = (0,0,0.92,1) if 'anchor' not in zoom_args else zoom_args['anchor'] else: width_scale = 1 with sns.axes_style(**, sns.color_palette(settings.cat_palette, 1+max([sample2col[x] for x in sample2col])): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(settings.w_mid, settings.h_mid)) if zoom_args is None else plt.subplots(figsize=(width_scale*settings.w_mid, settings.h_mid)) if zoom_args is not None: axins = inset_axes(ax, width_zoom, height_zoom, loc='right', bbox_to_anchor=anchor, bbox_transform=ax.figure.transFigure) ax.hist([df[df[sample_name] == sample][pred_name] for sample in bkg_samples], weights=[wgt_scale*df[df[sample_name] == sample][wgt_name] for sample in bkg_samples], label=bkg_samples, color=[sns.color_palette()[sample2col[s]] for s in bkg_samples], **hist_params) if zoom_args: axins.hist([df[df[sample_name] == sample][pred_name] for sample in bkg_samples], weights=[wgt_scale*df[df[sample_name] == sample][wgt_name] for sample in bkg_samples], label=None, color=[sns.color_palette()[sample2col[s]] for s in bkg_samples], **hist_params) for sample in sig_samples: ax.hist(df[df[sample_name] == sample][pred_name], weights=wgt_scale*df[df[sample_name] == sample][wgt_name], label=sample, histtype='step', linewidth='3', color='black', **hist_params) if zoom_args: axins.hist(df[df[sample_name] == sample][pred_name], weights=wgt_scale*df[df[sample_name] == sample][wgt_name], label=None, histtype='step', linewidth='3', color='black', **hist_params) if zoom_args: axins.set_xlim(zoom_args['x']) axins.set_ylim(zoom_args['y']) axins.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=settings.tk_col) axins.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=settings.tk_col) mark_inset(ax, axins, loc1=2, loc2=3, fc="none", ec="0.5") ax.xaxis.set_label_text("Class prediction", fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) fig.legend(loc='right', fontsize=settings.leg_sz) else: ax.legend(loc=settings.leg_loc, fontsize=settings.leg_sz) ax.set_xlim(*lim_x) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=settings.tk_col) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=settings.tk_col) ax.xaxis.set_label_text('Class prediction', fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) if density: ax.yaxis.set_label_text(r"$\frac{1}{\mathcal{A}\sigma} \frac{d\left(\mathcal{A}\sigma\right)}{dp}$", fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) else: ax.yaxis.set_label_text(r"$\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{int.}}\times\frac{d\left(\mathcal{A}\sigma\right)}{dp}$", fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) if log_y: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax.grid(True, which="both") if zoom_args: axins.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') axins.grid(True, which="both") ax.set_title(settings.title, fontsize=settings.title_sz, color=settings.title_col, loc=settings.title_loc) if savename is not None: plt.savefig(settings.savepath/f'{savename}{settings.format}', bbox_inches='tight')
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