
Source code for lumin.data_processing.file_proc

import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Any, Tuple, Dict
import os
from pathlib import Path
import json

from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, KFold

__all__ = ['save_to_grp', 'fold2foldfile', 'df2foldfile', 'add_meta_data']

[docs]def save_to_grp(arr:np.ndarray, grp:h5py.Group, name:str, compression:Optional[str]=None) -> None: r''' Save Numpy array as a dataset in an h5py Group Arguments: arr: array to be saved grp: group in which to save arr name: name of dataset to create compression: optional compression argument for h5py, e.g. 'lzf' ''' # TODO Option for string length grp.create_dataset(name, shape=arr.shape, if not in ['object', 'str864'] else 'S64', data=arr if not in ['object', 'str864'] else arr.astype('S64'), compression=compression)
def _build_matrix_lookups(feats:List[str], vecs:List[str], feats_per_vec:List[str], row_wise:bool) -> Tuple[List[str],np.ndarray,Tuple[int,int]]: shape = (len(vecs),len(feats_per_vec)) if row_wise else (len(feats_per_vec),len(vecs)) lookup,missing = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.array(feats).dtype),np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.bool) if row_wise: for i, v in enumerate(vecs): for j, c in enumerate(feats_per_vec): f = f'{v}_{c}' if f in feats: lookup[i,j] = f else: lookup[i,j] = feats[0] # Temp value, to be set to null later using missing missing[i,j] = True else: for j, v in enumerate(vecs): for i, c in enumerate(feats_per_vec): f = f'{v}_{c}' if f in feats: lookup[i,j] = f else: lookup[i,j] = feats[0] # Temp value, to be set to null later using missing missing[i,j] = True return list(lookup.flatten()),missing.flatten(),shape
[docs]def fold2foldfile(df:pd.DataFrame, out_file:h5py.File, fold_idx:int, cont_feats:List[str], cat_feats:List[str], targ_feats:Union[str,List[str]], targ_type:Any, misc_feats:Optional[List[str]]=None, wgt_feat:Optional[str]=None, matrix_lookup:Optional[List[str]]=None, matrix_missing:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, matrix_shape:Optional[Tuple[int,int]]=None, tensor_data:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, compression:Optional[str]=None) -> None: r''' Save fold of data into an h5py Group Arguments: df: Dataframe from which to save data out_file: h5py file to save data in fold_idx: ID for the fold; used name h5py group according to 'fold_{fold_idx}' cont_feats: list of columns in df to save as continuous variables cat_feats: list of columns in df to save as discreet variables targ_feats: (list of) column(s) in df to save as target feature(s) targ_type: type of target feature, e.g. int,'float32' misc_feats: any extra columns to save wgt_feat: column to save as data weights matrix_vecs: list of objects for matrix encoding, i.e. feature prefixes matrix_feats_per_vec: list of features per vector for matrix encoding, i.e. feature suffixes. Features listed but not present in df will be replaced with NaN. matrix_row_wise: whether objects encoded as a matrix should be encoded row-wise (i.e. all the features associated with an object are in their own row), or column-wise (i.e. all the features associated with an object are in their own column) tensor_data: data of higher order than a matrix can be passed directly as a numpy array, rather than beign extracted and reshaped from the DataFrame. The array will be saved under matrix data, and this is incompatible with also setting `matrix_lookup`, `matrix_missing`, and `matrix_shape`. The first dimension of the array must be compatible with the length of the data frame. compression: optional compression argument for h5py, e.g. 'lzf' ''' # TODO infer target type automatically grp = out_file.create_group(f'fold_{fold_idx}') save_to_grp(np.hstack((df[cont_feats].values.astype('float32'), df[cat_feats].values.astype('float32'))), grp, 'inputs', compression=compression) save_to_grp(df[targ_feats].values.astype(targ_type), grp, 'targets', compression=compression) if wgt_feat is not None: if wgt_feat in df.columns: save_to_grp(df[wgt_feat].values.astype('float32'), grp, 'weights', compression=compression) else: print(f'{wgt_feat} not found in file') if misc_feats is not None: for f in misc_feats: if f in df.columns: save_to_grp(df[f].values, grp, f, compression=compression) else: print(f'{f} not found in file') if matrix_lookup is not None: if tensor_data is not None: raise ValueError("The saving of both matrix and tensor data is requested. This is ambiguous. Please only set one of the other.") mat = df[matrix_lookup].values.astype('float32') mat[:,matrix_missing] = np.NaN mat = mat.reshape((len(df),*matrix_shape)) save_to_grp(mat, grp, 'matrix_inputs', compression=compression) elif tensor_data is not None: save_to_grp(tensor_data.astype('float32'), grp, 'matrix_inputs', compression=compression)
[docs]def df2foldfile(df:pd.DataFrame, n_folds:int, cont_feats:List[str], cat_feats:List[str], targ_feats:Union[str,List[str]], savename:Union[Path,str], targ_type:str, strat_key:Optional[str]=None, misc_feats:Optional[List[str]]=None, wgt_feat:Optional[str]=None, cat_maps:Optional[Dict[str,Dict[int,Any]]]=None, matrix_vecs:Optional[List[str]]=None, matrix_feats_per_vec:Optional[List[str]]=None, matrix_row_wise:Optional[bool]=None, tensor_data:Optional[np.ndarray]=None, tensor_name:Optional[str]=None, tensor_is_sparse:bool=False, compression:Optional[str]=None) -> None: r''' Convert dataframe into h5py file by splitting data into sub-folds to be accessed by a :class:`` Arguments: df: Dataframe from which to save data n_folds: number of folds to split df into cont_feats: list of columns in df to save as continuous variables cat_feats: list of columns in df to save as discreet variables targ_feats: (list of) column(s) in df to save as target feature(s) savename: name of h5py file to create (.h5py extension not required) targ_type: type of target feature, e.g. int,'float32' strat_key: column to use for stratified splitting misc_feats: any extra columns to save wgt_feat: column to save as data weights cat_maps: Dictionary mapping categorical features to dictionary mapping codes to categories matrix_vecs: list of objects for matrix encoding, i.e. feature prefixes matrix_feats_per_vec: list of features per vector for matrix encoding, i.e. feature suffixes. Features listed but not present in df will be replaced with NaN. matrix_row_wise: whether objects encoded as a matrix should be encoded row-wise (i.e. all the features associated with an object are in their own row), or column-wise (i.e. all the features associated with an object are in their own column) tensor_data: data of higher order than a matrix can be passed directly as a numpy array, rather than beign extracted and reshaped from the DataFrame. The array will be saved under matrix data, and this is incompatible with also setting `matrix_vecs`, `matrix_feats_per_vec`, and `matrix_row_wise`. The first dimension of the array must be compatible with the length of the data frame. tensor_name: if `tensor_data` is set, then this is the name that will to the foldfile's metadata. tensor_is_sparse: Set to True if the matrix is in sparse COO format and should be densified later on The format expected is `coo_x = sparse.as_coo(x); m = np.vstack((, coo_x.coords))`, where `m` is the tensor passed to `tensor_data`. compression: optional compression argument for h5py, e.g. 'lzf' ''' savename = str(savename) os.system(f'rm {savename}.hdf5') os.makedirs(savename[:savename.rfind('/')], exist_ok=True) out_file = h5py.File(f'{savename}.hdf5', "w") lookup,missing,shape = None,None,None if matrix_vecs is not None: if tensor_data is not None: raise ValueError("The saving of both matrix and tensor data is requested. This is ambiguous. Please only set one of the other.") lookup,missing,shape = _build_matrix_lookups(df.columns, matrix_vecs, matrix_feats_per_vec, matrix_row_wise) mat_feats = list(np.array(lookup)[np.logical_not(missing)]) # Only features present in data dup = [f for f in cont_feats if f in mat_feats] if len(dup) > 1: print(f'{dup} present in both matrix features and continuous features; removing from continuous features') cont_feats = [f for f in cont_feats if f not in dup] if strat_key is not None and strat_key not in df.columns: print(f'{strat_key} not found in DataFrame') strat_key = None if strat_key is None: kf = KFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True) folds = kf.split(X=df) else: kf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=n_folds, shuffle=True) folds = kf.split(X=df, y=df[strat_key]) for fold_idx, (_, fold) in enumerate(folds): print(f"Saving fold {fold_idx} with {len(fold)} events") fold2foldfile(df.iloc[fold].copy(), out_file, fold_idx, cont_feats=cont_feats, cat_feats=cat_feats, targ_feats=targ_feats, targ_type=targ_type, misc_feats=misc_feats, wgt_feat=wgt_feat, matrix_lookup=lookup, matrix_missing=missing, matrix_shape=shape, tensor_data=tensor_data[fold] if tensor_data is not None else None, compression=compression) add_meta_data(out_file=out_file, feats=df.columns, cont_feats=cont_feats, cat_feats=cat_feats, cat_maps=cat_maps, targ_feats=targ_feats, wgt_feat=wgt_feat, matrix_vecs=matrix_vecs, matrix_feats_per_vec=matrix_feats_per_vec, matrix_row_wise=matrix_row_wise, tensor_name=tensor_name, tensor_shp=tensor_data[0].shape if tensor_data is not None else None, tensor_is_sparse=tensor_is_sparse)
[docs]def add_meta_data(out_file:h5py.File, feats:List[str], cont_feats:List[str], cat_feats:List[str], cat_maps:Optional[Dict[str,Dict[int,Any]]], targ_feats:Union[str,List[str]], wgt_feat:Optional[str]=None, matrix_vecs:Optional[List[str]]=None, matrix_feats_per_vec:Optional[List[str]]=None, matrix_row_wise:Optional[bool]=None, tensor_name:Optional[str]=None, tensor_shp:Optional[Tuple[int]]=None, tensor_is_sparse:bool=False) -> None: r''' Adds meta data to foldfile containing information about the data: feature names, matrix information, etc. :class:`` objects will access this and automatically extract it to save the user from having to manually pass lists of features. Arguments: out_file: h5py file to save data in feats: list of all features in data cont_feats: list of continuous features cat_feats: list of categorical features cat_maps: Dictionary mapping categorical features to dictionary mapping codes to categories targ_feats: (list of) target feature(s) wgt_feat: name of weight feature matrix_vecs: list of objects for matrix encoding, i.e. feature prefixes matrix_feats_per_vec: list of features per vector for matrix encoding, i.e. feature suffixes. Features listed but not present in df will be replaced with NaN. matrix_row_wise: whether objects encoded as a matrix should be encoded row-wise (i.e. all the features associated with an object are in their own row), or column-wise (i.e. all the features associated with an object are in their own column) tensor_name: Name used to refer to the tensor when displaying model information tensor_shp: The shape of the tensor data (exclusing batch dimension) tensor_is_sparse: Whether the tensor is sparse (COO format) and should be densified prior to use ''' grp = out_file.create_group('meta_data') grp.create_dataset('cont_feats', data=json.dumps(cont_feats)) grp.create_dataset('cat_feats', data=json.dumps(cat_feats)) grp.create_dataset('targ_feats', data=json.dumps(targ_feats)) if wgt_feat is not None: grp.create_dataset('wgt_feat', data=json.dumps(wgt_feat)) if cat_maps is not None: grp.create_dataset('cat_maps', data=json.dumps(cat_maps)) if matrix_vecs is not None: lookup,missing,shape = _build_matrix_lookups(feats, matrix_vecs, matrix_feats_per_vec, matrix_row_wise) use = list(np.array(lookup)[np.logical_not(missing)]) # Only features present in data grp.create_dataset('matrix_feats', data=json.dumps({'present_feats': use, 'vecs': matrix_vecs, 'missing': [int(m) for m in missing], 'feats_per_vec': matrix_feats_per_vec, 'row_wise': matrix_row_wise, 'shape': shape})) elif tensor_name is not None: grp.create_dataset('matrix_feats', data=json.dumps({'present_feats': [tensor_name], 'vecs': [tensor_name], 'missing': [], 'feats_per_vec': [''], 'row_wise': None, 'shape': tensor_shp, 'is_sparse':tensor_is_sparse}))
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