
Source code for lumin.nn.losses.basic_weighted

from typing import Optional

import torch.nn as nn
import torch
from torch.tensor import Tensor

__all__ = ['WeightedMSE', 'WeightedMAE', 'WeightedCCE']

[docs]class WeightedMSE(nn.MSELoss): r''' Class for computing Mean Squared-Error loss with optional weights per prediction. For compatability with using basic PyTorch losses, weights are passed during initialisation rather than when computing the loss. Arguments: weight: sample weights as PyTorch Tensor, to be used with data to be passed when computing the loss Examples:: >>> loss = WeightedMSE() >>> >>> loss = WeightedMSE(weights) ''' def __init__(self, weight:Optional[Tensor]=None): super().__init__(reduction='mean' if weight is None else 'none') self.weights = weight
[docs] def forward(self, input:Tensor, target:Tensor) -> Tensor: r''' Evaluate loss for given predictions Arguments: input: prediction tensor target: target tensor Returns: (weighted) loss ''' if self.weights is not None: return torch.mean(self.weights*super().forward(input, target)) else: return super().forward(input, target)
[docs]class WeightedMAE(nn.L1Loss): r''' Class for computing Mean Absolute-Error loss with optional weights per prediction. For compatability with using basic PyTorch losses, weights are passed during initialisation rather than when computing the loss. Arguments: weight: sample weights as PyTorch Tensor, to be used with data to be passed when computing the loss Examples:: >>> loss = WeightedMAE() >>> >>> loss = WeightedMAE(weights) ''' def __init__(self, weight:Optional[Tensor]=None): super().__init__(reduction='mean' if weight is None else 'none') self.weights = weight
[docs] def forward(self, input:Tensor, target:Tensor) -> Tensor: r''' Evaluate loss for given predictions Arguments: input: prediction tensor target: target tensor Returns: (weighted) loss ''' if self.weights is not None: return torch.mean(self.weights*super().forward(input, target)) else: return super().forward(input, target)
[docs]class WeightedCCE(nn.NLLLoss): r''' Class for computing Categorical Cross-Entropy loss with optional weights per prediction. For compatability with using basic PyTorch losses, weights are passed during initialisation rather than when computing the loss. Arguments: weight: sample weights as PyTorch Tensor, to be used with data to be passed when computing the loss Examples:: >>> loss = WeightedCCE() >>> >>> loss = WeightedCCE(weights) ''' def __init__(self, weight:Optional[Tensor]=None): super().__init__(reduction='mean') self.weights = weight
[docs] def forward(self, input:Tensor, target:Tensor) -> Tensor: r''' Evaluate loss for given predictions Arguments: input: prediction tensor target: target tensor Returns: (weighted) loss ''' if self.weights is not None: return torch.mean(self.weights*super().forward(input, target)) else: return super().forward(input, target)
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