
Source code for lumin.plotting.data_viewing

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Optional, Dict, Any, Union, Tuple
import warnings

import scipy
from scipy.cluster import hierarchy as hc

from .plot_settings import PlotSettings
from ..utils.statistics import uncert_round, get_moments

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ['plot_feat', 'compare_events', 'plot_rank_order_dendrogram', 'plot_kdes_from_bs', 'plot_binary_sample_feat']

[docs]def plot_feat(df:pd.DataFrame, feat:str, wgt_name:Optional[str]=None, cuts:Optional[List[pd.Series]]=None, labels:Optional[List[str]]='', plot_bulk:bool=True, n_samples:int=100000, plot_params:Optional[Union[Dict[str,Any],List[Dict[str,Any]]]]=None, size:str='mid', show_moments:bool=True, ax_labels:Dict[str,Any]={'y': 'Density', 'x': None}, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> None: r''' A flexible function to provide indicative information about the 1D distribution of a feature. By default it will produce a weighted KDE+histogram for the [1,99] percentile of the data, as well as compute the mean and standard deviation of the data in this region. Distributions are weighted by sampling with replacement the data with probabilities propotional to the sample weights. By passing a list of cuts and labels, it will plot multiple distributions of the same feature for different cuts. Since it is designed to provide quick, indicative information, more specific functions (such as `plot_kdes_from_bs`) should be used to provide final results. .. important:: NaN and Inf values are removed prior to plotting and no attempt is made to coerce them to real numbers Arguments: df: Pandas DataFrame containing data feat: column name to plot wgt_name: if set, will use column to weight data cuts: optional list of cuts to apply to feature. Will add one KDE+hist for each cut listed on the same plot labels: optional list of labels for each KDE+hist plot_bulk: whether to plot the [1,99] percentile of the data, or all of it n_samples: if plotting weighted distributions, how many samples to use plot_params: optional list of of arguments to pass to Seaborn Distplot for each KDE+hist size: string to pass to :meth:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings.str2sz` to determin size of plot show_moments: whether to compute and display the mean and standard deviation ax_labels: dictionary of x and y axes labels savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance ''' def _filter_data(x:Union[pd.DataFrame,pd.Series]) -> Union[pd.DataFrame,pd.Series]: return x.replace([np.inf,-np.inf],np.nan).dropna() if not isinstance(labels, list): labels = [labels] if not isinstance(cuts, list): cuts = [cuts] if plot_params is None: plot_params = {} if len(cuts) != len(labels): raise ValueError(f"{len(cuts)} plots requested, but {len(labels)} labels passed") with sns.axes_style(**, sns.color_palette(settings.cat_palette): plt.figure(figsize=(settings.str2sz(size, 'x'), settings.str2sz(size, 'y'))) for i in range(len(cuts)): tmp_plot_params = plot_params[i] if isinstance(plot_params, list) else plot_params if plot_bulk: # Ignore tails for indicative plotting feat_range = np.percentile(_filter_data(df[feat]), [1, 99]) if feat_range[0] == feat_range[1]: break cut = (df[feat] > feat_range[0]) & (df[feat] < feat_range[1]) if cuts[i] is not None: cut = cut & (cuts[i]) if wgt_name is None: plot_data = _filter_data(df.loc[cut, feat]) else: tmp = _filter_data(df.loc[cut, [wgt_name, feat]]) weights = tmp[wgt_name].values.astype('float64') weights /= weights.sum() plot_data = np.random.choice(tmp[feat], n_samples, p=weights) else: tmp_data = df if cuts[i] is None else df.loc[cuts[i]] if wgt_name is None: plot_data = _filter_data(tmp_data[feat]) else: tmp_data = _filter_data(tmp_data[[wgt_name, feat]]) weights = tmp_data[wgt_name].values.astype('float64') weights /= weights.sum() plot_data = np.random.choice(tmp_data[feat], n_samples, p=weights) label = labels[i] if show_moments: moms = get_moments(plot_data) mean = uncert_round(moms[0], moms[1]) std = uncert_round(moms[2], moms[3]) if wgt_name is None: label += r' $\bar{x}=$' + f'{mean[0]}±{mean[1]}' + r', $\sigma_x=$' + f'{std[0]}±{std[1]}' else: label += r' $\bar{x}=$' + f'{mean[0]}' + r', $\sigma_x=$' + f'{std[0]}' sns.distplot(plot_data, label=label, **tmp_plot_params) if len(cuts) > 1 or show_moments: plt.legend(loc=settings.leg_loc, fontsize=settings.leg_sz) plt.xticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) plt.yticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) plt.ylabel(ax_labels['y'], fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) x_lbl = feat if ax_labels['x'] is None else ax_labels['x'] plt.xlabel(x_lbl, fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) if savename is not None: plt.savefig(settings.savepath/f'{savename}{settings.format}', bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]def compare_events(events:list) -> None: r''' Plots at least two events side by side in their transverse and longitudinal projections Arguments: events: list of DataFrames containing vector coordinates for 3 momenta ''' # TODO: check typing, why list? # TODO: make this work with a single event # TODO: add plot settings & saving with sns.axes_style('whitegrid'), sns.color_palette('tab10'): fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, len(events), figsize=(9*len(events), 18), gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [1, 0.5, 0.5]}) for vector in [x[:-3] for x in events[0].columns if '_px' in x.lower()]: for i, in_data in enumerate(events): x = in_data[vector + '_px'].values[0] try: y = in_data[vector + '_py'].values[0] except KeyError: y = 0 try: z = in_data[vector + '_pz'].values[0] except KeyError: z = 0 axs[0, i].plot((0, x), (0, y), label=vector) axs[1, i].plot((0, z), (0, x), label=vector) axs[2, i].plot((0, z), (0, y), label=vector) for ax in axs[0]: ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((0, 0), 1, color='grey', fill=False, linewidth=2)) ax.set_xlim(-1.1, 1.1) ax.set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1) ax.set_xlabel(r"$p_x$", fontsize=16, color='black') ax.set_ylabel(r"$p_y$", fontsize=16, color='black') ax.legend(loc='right', fontsize=12) for ax in axs[1]: ax.add_artist(plt.Rectangle((-2, -1), 4, 2, color='grey', fill=False, linewidth=2)) ax.set_xlim(-2.2, 2.2) ax.set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1) ax.set_xlabel(r"$p_z$", fontsize=16, color='black') ax.set_ylabel(r"$p_x$", fontsize=16, color='black') ax.legend(loc='right', fontsize=12) for ax in axs[2]: ax.add_artist(plt.Rectangle((-2, -1), 4, 2, color='grey', fill=False, linewidth=2)) ax.set_xlim(-2.2, 2.2) ax.set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1) ax.set_xlabel(r"$p_z$", fontsize=16, color='black') ax.set_ylabel(r"$p_y$", fontsize=16, color='black') ax.legend(loc='right', fontsize=12)
[docs]def plot_rank_order_dendrogram(df:pd.DataFrame, threshold:float=0.8, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) \ -> Dict[str,Union[List[str],float]]: r''' Plots a dendrogram of features in df clustered via Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Also returns a sets of features with correlation coefficients greater than the threshold Arguments: df: Pandas DataFrame containing data threshold: Threshold on correlation coefficient savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance Returns: Dict of sets of features with correlation coefficients greater than the threshold and cluster distance ''' corr = np.round(scipy.stats.spearmanr(df).correlation, 4) corr_condensed = hc.distance.squareform(1-np.abs(corr)) # Abs because negtaive of a feature is a trvial transformation: information unaffected z = hc.linkage(corr_condensed, method='average', optimal_ordering=True) with sns.axes_style('white'), sns.color_palette(settings.cat_palette): plt.figure(figsize=(settings.w_large, (0.5*len(df.columns)))) hc.dendrogram(z, labels=df.columns, orientation='left', leaf_font_size=settings.lbl_sz, color_threshold=1-threshold) plt.xlabel("Distance (1 - |Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient|)", fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) plt.xticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) if savename is not None: plt.savefig(settings.savepath/f'{savename}{settings.format}', bbox_inches='tight') feats = df.columns sets = {} for i, merge in enumerate(z): if merge[2] > 1-threshold: continue if merge[0] <= len(z): a = [feats[int(merge[0])]] else: a = sets.pop(int(merge[0]))['children'] if merge[1] <= len(z): b = [feats[int(merge[1])]] else: b = sets.pop(int(merge[1]))['children'] sets[1 + i + len(z)] = {'children': [*a, *b], 'distance': merge[2]} return sets
[docs]def plot_kdes_from_bs(x:np.ndarray, bs_stats:Dict[str,Any], name2args:Dict[str,Dict[str,Any]], feat:str, units:Optional[str]=None, moments=True, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> None: r''' Plots KDEs computed via :meth:`~lumin.utils.statistics.bootstrap_stats` Arguments: bs_stats: (filtered) dictionary retruned by :meth:`~lumin.utils.statistics.bootstrap_stats` name2args: Dictionary mapping names of different distributions to arguments to pass to seaborn tsplot feat: Name of feature being plotted (for axis lablels) units: Optional units to show on axes moments: whether to display mean and standard deviation of each distribution savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance ''' # TODO: update to sns 9 with sns.axes_style(**, sns.color_palette(settings.cat_palette) as palette: plt.figure(figsize=(settings.w_mid, settings.h_mid)) for i, name in enumerate(name2args): if 'color' not in name2args[name]: name2args[name]['color'] = palette[i] if 'label' in name2args[name]: name2args[name]['condition'] = name2args[name]['label'] name2args[name].pop('label') if 'condition' in name2args[name] and moments: mean, mean_unc = uncert_round(np.mean(bs_stats[f'{name}_mean']), np.std(bs_stats[f'{name}_mean'], ddof=1)) std, std_unc = uncert_round(np.mean(bs_stats[f'{name}_std']), np.std(bs_stats[f'{name}_std'], ddof=1)) name2args[name]['condition'] += r', $\overline{x}=' + r'{}\pm{}\ \sigma= {}\pm{}$'.format(mean, mean_unc, std, std_unc) sns.tsplot(data=bs_stats[f'{name}_kde'], time=x, **name2args[name]) plt.legend(loc=settings.leg_loc, fontsize=settings.leg_sz) y_lbl = r'$\frac{1}{N}\ \frac{dN}{d' + feat.replace('$','') + r'}$' if units is not None: x_lbl = feat + r'$\ [' + units + r']$' y_lbl += r'$\ [' + units + r'^{-1}]$' else: x_lbl = feat plt.xlabel(x_lbl, fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) plt.ylabel(y_lbl, fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) plt.xticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) plt.yticks(fontsize=settings.tk_sz, color=settings.tk_col) plt.title(settings.title, fontsize=settings.title_sz, color=settings.title_col, loc=settings.title_loc) if savename is not None: plt.savefig(settings.savepath/f'{savename}{settings.format}', bbox_inches='tight')
[docs]def plot_binary_sample_feat(df:pd.DataFrame, feat:str, targ_name:str='gen_target', wgt_name:str='gen_weight', sample_name:str='gen_sample', wgt_scale:float=1, bins:Optional[Union[int,List[int]]]=None, log_y:bool=False, lim_x:Optional[Tuple[float,float]]=None, density=True, feat_name:Optional[str]=None, units:Optional[str]=None, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> None: r''' More advanced plotter for feature distributions in a binary class problem with stacked distributions for backgrounds and user-defined binning Note that plotting colours can be controled by seeting the settings.sample2col dictionary Arguments: df: DataFrame with targets and predictions feat: name of column to plot the distribution of targ_name: name of column to use as targets wgt_name: name of column to use as sample weights sample_name: name of column to use as process names wgt_scale: applies a global multiplicative rescaling to sample weights. Default 1 = no rescaling. Only applicable when density = False bins: either the number of bins to use for a uniform binning, or a list of bin edges for a variable-width binning log_y: whether to use a log scale for the y-axis lim_x: limit for plotting on the x-axis density: whether to normalise each distribution to one, or keep set to sum of weights / datapoints feat_name: Name of feature to put on x-axis, can be in LaTeX. units: units used to measure feature, if applicable. Can be in LaTeX, but should not include '$'. savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance ''' def _get_samples(df:pd.DataFrame, sample_name:str, wgt_name:str): '''Returns set of samples present in df ordered by sum of weights''' samples = set(df[sample_name]) weights = [np.sum(df[df[sample_name] == sample][wgt_name]) for sample in samples] return [x[0] for x in np.array(sorted(zip(samples, weights), key=lambda x: x[1]))] sig,bkg = (df[targ_name] == 1),(df[targ_name] == 0) if not isinstance(bins,list): bins = np.linspace(df[feat].min(),df[feat].max(), bins if isinstance(bins, int) else 20) hist_params = {'range': lim_x, 'bins': bins, 'density': density, 'alpha': 0.8, 'stacked':True, 'rwidth':1.0} sig_samples = _get_samples(df[sig], sample_name, wgt_name) bkg_samples = _get_samples(df[bkg], sample_name, wgt_name) sample2col = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(bkg_samples)} if settings.sample2col is None else settings.sample2col with sns.axes_style(**, sns.color_palette(settings.cat_palette, 1+max([sample2col[x] for x in sample2col])): fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(settings.w_mid, settings.h_mid)) ax.hist([df[df[sample_name] == sample][feat] for sample in bkg_samples], weights=[wgt_scale*df[df[sample_name] == sample][wgt_name] for sample in bkg_samples], label=bkg_samples, color=[sns.color_palette()[sample2col[s]] for s in bkg_samples], **hist_params) for sample in sig_samples: ax.hist(df[df[sample_name] == sample][feat], weights=wgt_scale*df[df[sample_name] == sample][wgt_name], label=sample, histtype='step', linewidth='3', color='black', **hist_params) ax.legend(loc=settings.leg_loc, fontsize=settings.leg_sz) if lim_x is not None: ax.set_xlim(*lim_x) ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=settings.tk_col) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=settings.tk_col) x_lbl = feat if feat_name is None else feat_name y_lbl = r'$\frac{d\left(\mathcal{A}\sigma\right)}{dx}$' if units is not None: x_lbl += r'$\ [' + units + r']$' y_lbl += r'$\ [' + units + r'^{-1}]$' ax.xaxis.set_label_text(x_lbl, fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) if density: ax.yaxis.set_label_text(r"$\frac{1}{\mathcal{A}\sigma}$"+y_lbl, fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) else: ax.yaxis.set_label_text(r"$\mathcal{L}_{\mathrm{int.}}\times$"+y_lbl, fontsize=settings.lbl_sz, color=settings.lbl_col) if log_y: ax.set_yscale('log', nonposy='clip') ax.grid(True, which="both") ax.set_title(settings.title, fontsize=settings.title_sz, color=settings.title_col, loc=settings.title_loc) if savename is not None: plt.savefig(settings.savepath/f'{savename}{settings.format}', bbox_inches='tight')
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