
Source code for lumin.inference.summary_stat

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Optional
from fastprogress import progress_bar

__all__ = ['bin_binary_class_pred']

[docs]def bin_binary_class_pred(df:pd.DataFrame, max_unc:float, consider_samples:Optional[List[str]]=None, step_sz:float=1e-3, pred_name:str='pred', sample_name:str='gen_sample', compact_samples:bool=False, class_name:str='gen_target', add_pure_signal_bin:bool=False, max_unc_pure_signal:float=0.1, verbose:bool=True) -> List[float]: r''' Define bin-edges for binning particle process samples as a function of event class prediction (signal | background) such that the statistical uncertainties on per bin yields are below max_unc for each considered sample. Arguments: df: DataFrame containing the data max_unc: maximum fractional statisitcal uncertainty to allow when defining bins consider_samples: if set, only listed samples are considered when defining bins step_sz: resolution of scan along event prediction pred_name: column to use as event class prediction sample_name: column to use as particle process fo reach event compact_samples: if true, will not consider samples when computing bin edges, only the class class_name: name of column to use as class indicator add_pure_signal_bin: if true will attempt to add a bin which oonly contains signal (class 1) if the fractional bin-fill uncertainty would be less than max_unc_pure_signal max_unc_pure_signal: maximum fractional statisitcal uncertainty to allow when defining pure-signal bins verbose: whether to show progress bar Returns: list of bin edges ''' # TODO: allow option for stepping through each event, rather than fixed resolution scan if consider_samples is None: consider_samples = set(df[sample_name]) n_min = int((1/max_unc)**2) edges,ub,lb = [1.],1.,0. if add_pure_signal_bin: max_zero = df.loc[df[class_name] == 0, pred_name].max() max_zero = (np.floor(max_zero/step_sz)+1)*step_sz if len(df[(df[class_name] == 1) & (df[pred_name] > max_zero)]) >= int((1/max_unc_pure_signal)**2): edges.append(max_zero) ub = max_zero for i in progress_bar(np.linspace(ub,lb+step_sz, int((ub-lb)/step_sz)), display=verbose, leave=False): cut = (df[pred_name] > i) & (df[pred_name] <= edges[-1]) pops = [len(df[(df[class_name] == c) & cut]) for c in df[class_name].unique()] if compact_samples \ else [len(df[(df[sample_name] == s) & cut]) for s in consider_samples] if np.min(pops) >= n_min: edges.append(i) edges.append(0) return np.sort(edges)
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