
Source code for lumin.nn.interpretation.features

from fastprogress import master_bar, progress_bar
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn.utils
from typing import Optional

from ...utils.statistics import bootstrap_stats
from ...utils.multiprocessing import mp_run
from ...plotting.interpretation import plot_importance
from ..models.abs_model import AbsModel
from ..ensemble.abs_ensemble import AbsEnsemble
from import FoldYielder
from ..metrics.eval_metric import EvalMetric
from ...plotting.plot_settings import PlotSettings

__all__ = ['get_nn_feat_importance', 'get_ensemble_feat_importance']

[docs]def get_nn_feat_importance(model:AbsModel, fy:FoldYielder, bs:Optional[int]=None, eval_metric:Optional[EvalMetric]=None, pb_parent:master_bar=None, plot:bool=True, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> pd.DataFrame: r''' Compute permutation importance of features used by a :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` on provided data using either loss or an :class:`~lumin.nn.metric.eval_metric.EvalMetric` to quantify performance. Returns bootstrapped mean importance from sample constructed by computing importance for each fold in fy. Arguments: model: :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` to use to evaluate feature importance fy: :class:`` interfacing to data used to train model bs: If set, will evaluate model in batches of data, rather than all at once eval_metric: Optional :class:`~lumin.nn.metric.eval_metric.EvalMetric` to use to quantify performance in place of loss pb_parent: Not used if calling method directly plot: whether to plot resulting feature importances savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance Returns: Pandas DataFrame containing mean importance and associated uncertainty for each feature Examples:: >>> fi = get_nn_feat_importance(model, train_fy) >>> >>> fi = get_nn_feat_importance(model, train_fy, savename='feat_import') >>> >>> fi = get_nn_feat_importance(model, train_fy, ... eval_metric=AMS(n_total=100000)) ''' feats = fy.cont_feats + fy.cat_feats scores = [] fold_bar = progress_bar(range(fy.n_folds), parent=pb_parent) for fold_idx in fold_bar: # Average over folds val_fold = fy.get_fold(fold_idx) if val_fold['weights'] is not None: val_fold['weights'] /= val_fold['weights'].sum() targs = val_fold['targets'] weights = val_fold['weights'] if eval_metric is None: nom = model.evaluate(val_fold['inputs'], targs, weights=weights, bs=bs) else: nom = eval_metric.evaluate_model(model=model, fy=fy, fold_idx=fold_idx, inputs=val_fold['inputs'], targets=targs, weights=weights, bs=bs) tmp = [] for i in range(len(feats)): if isinstance(val_fold['inputs'], tuple): x = (val_fold['inputs'][0].copy(),val_fold['inputs'][1]) x[0][:,i] = sklearn.utils.shuffle(x[0][:,i]) else: x = val_fold['inputs'].copy() x[:,i] = sklearn.utils.shuffle(x[:,i]) if eval_metric is None: tmp.append(model.evaluate(x, targs, weights=weights, bs=bs)) else: tmp.append(eval_metric.evaluate_model(model=model, fy=fy, fold_idx=fold_idx, inputs=x, targets=targs, weights=weights, bs=bs)) if eval_metric is None: tmp = (np.array(tmp)-nom)/nom else: tmp = (np.array(tmp)-nom)/nom if eval_metric.lower_metric_better else (nom-np.array(tmp))/nom scores.append(tmp) # Bootstrap over folds scores = np.array(scores) bs = mp_run([{'data':scores[:,i], 'mean': True, 'std': True, 'name': i, 'n':100} for i in range(len(feats))], bootstrap_stats) fi = pd.DataFrame({'Feature':feats, 'Importance': [np.mean(bs[f'{i}_mean']) for i in range(len(feats))], 'Uncertainty': [np.mean(bs[f'{i}_std']) for i in range(len(feats))]}) if plot: tmp_fi = fi.sort_values('Importance', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) print("Top ten most important features:\n", tmp_fi[:min(len(tmp_fi), 10)]) plot_importance(tmp_fi, savename=savename, settings=settings) return fi
[docs]def get_ensemble_feat_importance(ensemble:AbsEnsemble, fy:FoldYielder, bs:Optional[int]=None, eval_metric:Optional[EvalMetric]=None, savename:Optional[str]=None, settings:PlotSettings=PlotSettings()) -> pd.DataFrame: r''' Compute permutation importance of features used by an :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` on provided data using either loss or an :class:`~lumin.nn.metric.eval_metric.EvalMetric` to quantify performance. Returns bootstrapped mean importance from sample constructed by computing importance for each :class:`~lumin.nn.models.model.Model` in ensemble. Arguments: ensemble: :class:`~lumin.nn.ensemble.ensemble.Ensemble` to use to evaluate feature importance fy: :class:`` interfacing to data used to train models in ensemble bs: If set, will evaluate model in batches of data, rather than all at once eval_metric: Optional :class:`~lumin.nn.metric.eval_metric.EvalMetric` to use to quantify performance in place of loss savename: Optional name of file to which to save the plot of feature importances settings: :class:`~lumin.plotting.plot_settings.PlotSettings` class to control figure appearance Returns: Pandas DataFrame containing mean importance and associated uncertainty for each feature Examples:: >>> fi = get_ensemble_feat_importance(ensemble, train_fy) >>> >>> fi = get_ensemble_feat_importance(ensemble, train_fy ... savename='feat_import') >>> >>> fi = get_ensemble_feat_importance(ensemble, train_fy, ... eval_metric=AMS(n_total=100000)) ''' mean_fi = [] std_fi = [] feats = fy.cont_feats + fy.cat_feats model_bar = master_bar(ensemble.models) for m, model in enumerate(model_bar): # Average over models per fold fi = get_nn_feat_importance(model, fy, bs=bs, eval_metric=eval_metric, plot=False, pb_parent=model_bar) mean_fi.append(fi.Importance.values) std_fi.append(fi.Uncertainty.values) mean_fi = np.array(mean_fi) std_fi = np.array(std_fi) bs_mean = mp_run([{'data': mean_fi[:,i], 'mean': True, 'name': i, 'n':100} for i in range(len(feats))], bootstrap_stats) bs_std = mp_run([{'data': std_fi[:,i], 'mean': True, 'name': i, 'n':100} for i in range(len(feats))], bootstrap_stats) fi = pd.DataFrame({ 'Feature':feats, 'Importance': [np.mean(bs_mean[f'{i}_mean']) for i in range(len(feats))], 'Uncertainty': [np.mean(bs_std[f'{i}_mean']) for i in range(len(feats))]}).sort_values('Importance', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True) print("Top ten most important features:\n", fi[:min(len(fi), 10)]) plot_importance(fi, savename=savename, settings=settings) return fi
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