
Source code for lumin.nn.callbacks.cyclic_callbacks

import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple, Union, List
from fastcore.all import store_attr
from fastprogress.fastprogress import IN_NOTEBOOK

from .callback import Callback
from .monitors import EarlyStopping, SaveBest

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

__all__ = ['AbsCyclicCallback', 'CycleLR', 'CycleMom', 'OneCycle', 'CycleStep']

[docs]class AbsCyclicCallback(Callback): r''' Abstract class for callbacks affecting lr or mom Arguments: interp: string representation of interpolation function. Either 'linear' or 'cosine'. param_range: minimum and maximum values for parameter cycle_mult: multiplicative factor for adjusting the cycle length after each cycle. E.g `cycle_mult=1` keeps the same cycle length, `cycle_mult=2` doubles the cycle length after each cycle. decrease_param: whether to begin by decreasing the parameter, otherwise begin by increasing it scale: multiplicative factor for setting the initial number of epochs per cycle. E.g `scale=1` means 1 epoch per cycle, `scale=5` means 5 epochs per cycle. cycle_save: if true will save a copy of the model at the end of each cycle. Used for building ensembles from single trainings (e.g. snapshot ensembles) nb: number of minibatches (iterations) to expect per epoch ''' def __init__(self, interp:str, param_range:Tuple[float,float], cycle_mult:int=1, decrease_param:bool=False, scale:int=1, cycle_save:bool=False): super().__init__() if not isinstance(cycle_mult, int): print('Coercing cycle_mult to int') cycle_mult = int(cycle_mult) if not isinstance(scale, int): print('Coercing scale to int') scale = int(scale) store_attr(but=['model','plot_settings','interp']) self.interp = interp.lower() self._reset() def _reset(self) -> None: self.cycle_iter,self.cycle_count,self.cycle_end,self.hist,self.cycle_losses,self.nb = 0,0,False,[],[],None def _save_cycle(self) -> None:'cycle_{self.cycle_count}.h5') self.cycle_losses.append( def _incr_cycle(self) -> None: self.cycle_iter += 1 if self.cycle_iter >= self.nb: self.cycle_iter = 0 self.nb *= self.cycle_mult if self.cycle_save: self._save_cycle() self.cycle_count += 1 self.cycle_end = True
[docs] def plot(self) -> None: r''' Plots the history of the parameter evolution as a function of iterations ''' with sns.axes_style(, sns.color_palette(self.plot_settings.cat_palette): plt.figure(figsize=(self.plot_settings.w_mid, self.plot_settings.h_mid)) plt.xlabel("Iterations", fontsize=self.plot_settings.lbl_sz, color=self.plot_settings.lbl_col) plt.ylabel(self.param_name, fontsize=self.plot_settings.lbl_sz, color=self.plot_settings.lbl_col) plt.plot(range(len(self.hist)), self.hist) plt.xticks(fontsize=self.plot_settings.tk_sz, color=self.plot_settings.tk_col) plt.yticks(fontsize=self.plot_settings.tk_sz, color=self.plot_settings.tk_col)
def _calc_param(self) -> float: if self.interp == 'cosine': x = np.cos(np.pi*(self.cycle_iter)/self.nb)+1 dx = (self.param_range[1]-self.param_range[0])*x/2 return self.param_range[1]-dx if not self.decrease_param else dx+self.param_range[0] elif self.interp == 'linear': x = np.abs((2*self.cycle_iter/self.nb)-1) dx = (self.param_range[1]-self.param_range[0])*np.max([0, 1-x]) return self.param_range[1]-dx if self.decrease_param else dx+self.param_range[0] else: raise ValueError(f"Interpolation mode {self.interp} not implemented")
[docs] def on_train_begin(self) -> None: super().on_train_begin() self._reset()
[docs] def on_epoch_begin(self) -> None: r''' Ensures the `cycle_end` flag is false when the epoch starts ''' if self.model.fit_params.state != 'train': return if self.nb is None: self.nb = self.scale*np.sum([self.model.fit_params.fy.get_data_count(i)// for i in self.model.fit_params.trn_idxs]) self.cycle_end = False
[docs] def on_batch_end(self) -> None: r''' Increments the callback's progress through the cycle ''' if self.model.fit_params.state != 'train': return self._incr_cycle()
def _set_param(self, param:float) -> None: pass
[docs] def on_batch_begin(self) -> None: r''' Computes the new value for the optimiser parameter and passes it to `_set_param` method ''' if self.model.fit_params.state != 'train': return param = self._calc_param() self.hist.append(param) self._set_param(param)
[docs]class CycleLR(AbsCyclicCallback): r''' Callback to cycle learning rate during training according to either: cosine interpolation for SGDR or linear interpolation for Smith cycling Arguments: lr_range: tuple of initial and final LRs interp: 'cosine' or 'linear' interpolation cycle_mult: Multiplicative constant for altering the cycle length after each complete cycle decrease_param: whether to increase or decrease the LR (effectively reverses lr_range order), 'auto' selects according to interp scale: Multiplicative constant for altering the length of a cycle. 1 corresponds to one cycle = one epoch cycle_save: if true will save a copy of the model at the end of each cycle. Used for building ensembles from single trainings (e.g. snapshot ensembles) nb: Number of batches in a epoch Examples:: >>> cosine_lr = CycleLR(lr_range=(0, 2e-3), cycle_mult=2, scale=1, ... interp='cosine', nb=100) >>> >>> cyclical_lr = CycleLR(lr_range=(2e-4, 2e-3), cycle_mult=1, scale=5, interp='linear', nb=100) ''' # TODO sort lr-range or remove decrease_param def __init__(self, lr_range:Tuple[float,float], interp:str='cosine', cycle_mult:int=1, decrease_param:Union[str,bool]='auto', scale:int=1, cycle_save:bool=False): if decrease_param == 'auto': decrease_param = True if interp == 'cosine' else False super().__init__(interp=interp, param_range=lr_range, cycle_mult=cycle_mult, decrease_param=decrease_param, scale=scale, cycle_save=cycle_save) self.param_name = 'Learning Rate' def _set_param(self, param:float) -> None: self.model.set_lr(param)
[docs]class CycleMom(AbsCyclicCallback): r''' Callback to cycle momentum (beta 1) during training according to either: cosine interpolation for SGDR or linear interpolation for Smith cycling By default is set to evolve in opposite direction to learning rate, a la Arguments: mom_range: tuple of initial and final momenta interp: 'cosine' or 'linear' interpolation cycle_mult: Multiplicative constant for altering the cycle length after each complete cycle decrease_param: whether to increase or decrease the momentum (effectively reverses mom_range order), 'auto' selects according to interp scale: Multiplicative constant for altering the length of a cycle. 1 corresponds to one cycle = one epoch cycle_save: if true will save a copy of the model at the end of each cycle. Used for building ensembles from single trainings (e.g. snapshot ensembles) nb: Number of batches in a epoch Examples:: >>> cyclical_mom = CycleMom(mom_range=(0.85 0.95), cycle_mult=1, ... scale=5, interp='linear', nb=100) ''' # TODO sort lr-range or remove decrease_param def __init__(self, mom_range:Tuple[float,float], interp:str='cosine', cycle_mult:int=1, decrease_param:Union[str,bool]='auto', scale:int=1, cycle_save:bool=False): if decrease_param == 'auto': decrease_param = False if interp == 'cosine' else True super().__init__(interp=interp, param_range=mom_range, cycle_mult=cycle_mult, decrease_param=decrease_param, scale=scale, cycle_save=cycle_save) self.param_name = 'Momentum' def _set_param(self, param:float) -> None: self.model.set_mom(param)
[docs]class OneCycle(AbsCyclicCallback): r''' Callback implementing Smith 1-cycle evolution for lr and momentum (beta_1) Default interpolation uses fastai-style cosine function. Automatically triggers early stopping on cycle completion. Arguments: lengths: tuple of number of epochs in first and second stages of cycle lr_range: list of initial and max LRs and optionally a final LR. If only two LRs supplied, then final LR will be zero. mom_range: tuple of initial and final momenta interp: 'cosine' or 'linear' interpolation cycle_ends_training: whether to stop training once the cycle finishes, or continue running at the last LR and momentum Examples:: >>> onecycle = OneCycle(lengths=(15, 30), lr_range=[1e-4, 1e-2], ... mom_range=(0.85, 0.95), interp='cosine', nb=100) ''' def __init__(self, lengths:Tuple[int,int], lr_range:Union[Tuple[float,float],Tuple[float,float,float]], mom_range:Tuple[float,float]=(0.85, 0.95), interp:str='cosine', cycle_ends_training:bool=True): super().__init__(interp=interp, param_range=None, cycle_mult=1, scale=lengths[0]) self.lengths,self.lr_range,self.mom_range,self.cycle_ends_training,self.hist = \ lengths,list(lr_range),mom_range,cycle_ends_training,{'lr': [], 'mom': []} if len(self.lr_range) == 2: self.lr_range.append(0) def _reset(self) -> None: self.cycle_iter,self.cycle_count,self.cycle_end,self.hist,self.cycle_losses,self.nb = 0,0,False,{'lr': [], 'mom': []},[],None
[docs] def on_batch_begin(self) -> None: r''' Computes the new lr and momentum and assigns them to the optimiser ''' if self.model.fit_params.state != 'train' or self.cycle_count == 1: return self.decrease_param = self.cycle_count % 1 != 0 self.param_range = self.lr_range lr = self._calc_param() self.hist['lr'].append(lr) self.model.set_lr(lr) self.decrease_param = self.cycle_count % 1 == 0 self.param_range = self.mom_range mom = self._calc_param() self.hist['mom'].append(mom) self.model.set_mom(mom)
def _incr_cycle(self) -> None: self.cycle_iter += 1 if self.cycle_iter == self.nb: self.cycle_iter = 0 self.nb = self.lengths[1]*self.nb/self.lengths[0] self.cycle_count += 0.5 self.cycle_end = self.cycle_count % 1 == 0 self.lr_range[0] = self.lr_range[2] if self.cycle_count == 1 and self.cycle_ends_training: self.model.fit_params.stop = True
[docs] def plot(self): r''' Plots the history of the lr and momentum evolution as a function of iterations ''' with sns.axes_style(, sns.color_palette(self.plot_settings.cat_palette): fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(self.plot_settings.w_mid, self.plot_settings.h_mid)) axs[1].set_xlabel("Iterations", fontsize=self.plot_settings.lbl_sz, color=self.plot_settings.lbl_col) axs[0].set_ylabel("Learning Rate", fontsize=self.plot_settings.lbl_sz, color=self.plot_settings.lbl_col) axs[1].set_ylabel("Momentum", fontsize=self.plot_settings.lbl_sz, color=self.plot_settings.lbl_col) axs[0].plot(range(len(self.hist['lr'])), self.hist['lr']) axs[1].plot(range(len(self.hist['mom'])), self.hist['mom']) for ax in axs: ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=self.plot_settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=self.plot_settings.tk_col) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=self.plot_settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=self.plot_settings.tk_col)
[docs]class CycleStep(OneCycle): r''' Combination of 1-cycle and step decay. Initial 1-cycle finishes, and step decay begins starting from best performing model and optimiser. Arguments: frac_reduction: fractional reduction of the learning rate with each step patience: number of epochs to wait before step lengths: OneCycle lengths lr_range: OneCycle learning rates. Don't have the final LR be too small. mom_range: OneCycle momenta, interp: Iterpolation mode for OneCycle plot_params: If true, will plot the parameter history at the end of training. ''' def __init__(self, frac_reduction:float, patience:int, lengths:Tuple[int,int], lr_range:List[float], mom_range:Tuple[float,float]=(0.85, 0.95), interp:str='cosine', plot_params:bool=False): super().__init__(lengths=lengths, lr_range=lr_range, mom_range=mom_range, interp=interp, cycle_ends_training=False) self.frac_reduction,self.patience,self.plot_params = frac_reduction,patience,plot_params
[docs] def on_train_begin(self): r''' Reset parameters, and check other callbacks in training. ''' super().on_train_begin() sb,self.early_stopping,self.stepping = False,False,False for c in if isinstance(c, EarlyStopping): self.early_stopping = c if isinstance(c, SaveBest): sb = True if not(sb and self.early_stopping): raise ValueError("List of training callbacks must include both EarlyStopping and SaveBest callbacks")
def _set_params(self) -> None: if not self.stepping: = self.model.opt.param_groups[0]['lr'] = self.model.opt.param_groups[0]['betas'][0] if 'betas' in self.model.opt.param_groups[0] else self.model.opt.param_groups[0]['momentum'] else: *= self.frac_reduction = self.mom_range[1] self.model.set_lr( self.model.set_mom(
[docs] def on_batch_begin(self) -> None: r''' Computes the new lr and momentum and assigns them to the optimiser ''' if self.model.fit_params.state != 'train': return if self.cycle_count == 1 and not self.stepping: # Finished OneCycle self.model.load(self.model.fit_params.cb_savepath/'best.h5') self.cycle_end = True # EarlyStopping can now end training self._set_params() self.stepping = True if self.stepping: self.hist['lr'].append( self.hist['mom'].append( else: super().on_batch_begin()
[docs] def on_epoch_begin(self) -> None: r''' Increment parameters if stepping ''' super().on_epoch_begin() self.cycle_end = self.stepping if self.model.fit_params.state != 'valid': return if self.early_stopping.epochs >= self.patience: self._set_params()
[docs] def on_train_end(self) -> None: r''' Optionally plot the parameter history. ''' if self.plot_params:self.plot()
[docs] def plot(self): r''' Plots the history of the lr and momentum evolution as a function of iterations ''' with sns.axes_style(, sns.color_palette(self.plot_settings.cat_palette): fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(self.plot_settings.w_mid, self.plot_settings.h_mid)) axs[1].set_xlabel("Iterations", fontsize=self.plot_settings.lbl_sz, color=self.plot_settings.lbl_col) axs[0].set_ylabel("Learning Rate", fontsize=self.plot_settings.lbl_sz, color=self.plot_settings.lbl_col) axs[1].set_ylabel("Momentum", fontsize=self.plot_settings.lbl_sz, color=self.plot_settings.lbl_col) axs[0].plot(range(len(self.hist['lr'])), self.hist['lr']) axs[1].plot(range(len(self.hist['mom'])), self.hist['mom']) for ax in axs: ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=self.plot_settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=self.plot_settings.tk_col) ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=self.plot_settings.tk_sz, labelcolor=self.plot_settings.tk_col) plt.savefig(self.model.fit_params.cb_savepath/f'StepCycle_history{self.plot_settings.format}', bbox_inches='tight') if IN_NOTEBOOK: else: plt.close(fig)
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